message from PATHOSRAY

Fabio Pathosray

New Metal Member
Oct 15, 2007
Hi all!

it's Fabio here...

then 2007 is ending...but for us is just the beginning!

we're working hard for the promotion of the album...and we're really looking forward playing at PPIX next year...hope to meet and talk with you all guys!

We also hope you enjoyed our cd, and now we're working hard for the second release!!

so, me and the band would like to thank YOU ALL for the big support of these first months!

c ya soon in Atlanta then!!

merry Xmas and happy New Year,

I'm so impressed with your first CD. Your show is the one I'm looking the most forward to at PP IX!

I'm glad I found it and purchased it at this year's show. I heard a sample and found it so powerful that I had to seek out the album. Glad I did! :kickass: :rock:
You've got a great debut CD, Fabio! You should really think about putting more samples on your MySpace page to help promote it better. Right now, there's only, "A Scent of Snow".

The choruses from, "Sorrow Never Dies", "Faded Crystals", or "Lines to Follow" would be my choices! "In Salicis Umbra" would be another excellent choice.

I'm looking forward to hearing how you've grown with your second release. Rarely do debut CD's grab my attention as much as yours did. You seem to have all the pieces in place to be the next ProgPower success story (e.g. Circus Maxiumus).

In true ProgPower fashion, I never heard of your band until Glenn announced your PPIX appearance, but quickly bought your CD after doing some listening online. The mood of your debut is really appropriate in these days of snow and darkness in the northern United States.

Rock On!
i cant stop listening to this disc, i would have thought these guys had like 5 cds out at least, this cd just slays
Thought Chamber -
John Macaluso & Union Radio -
Abigail's Ghost -

All are prog. All are debuts. All kick ass. Just like the Pathosray disc.
Don't forget about Darkwater! That and Thought Chamber are fighting for the #1 spot in my top ten list.

And while it took a bit of time for the mix to grow on me, I really like the Pathosray disk now! Its definitely in my top ten list for 2007 as well! I'm very much looking forward to your set!
We both know we'll be seeing each other in September!!! I'm so looking forward to finally getting to hang out & drink a beer or two.. or three... hehehe

And you know what I think of the disc!!! website for Pathosray is up and running as of last month: The cool thing is that they have an mp3 jukebox on their media page which pretty much allows you to listen to the whole debut album. Badass!

Thanks for noticing the site ... I'm not totally finished with it, there's still the entire Italian section to make and there's a few other things (such as guestbook etc), but I'm pretty happy with how the site turned out (if I may say so myself). Regarding the mp3 jukebox, there are 2 full songs taken from the debut album, plus another 4 or 5 of the songs that ended up on the actual album in DEMO VERSIONS, as well as some other demo and live stuff (including their version of Europe's The Final Countdown).

Yes...thanks for the correction. I was a bit overeager in thinking they were all songs from the debut album. My bad!

"The Final Countdown" version is pretty's a power metal version with double kicks thumping...