Metal 2015

Thanks Ozz, listening now.

Sounds pretty good. Maybe Album of the Year quality, maybe not, we'll have to see what the rest of the album sounds like. Dave's vocals have been better. Anyway Exmortus is supposed to release a new one in 2016. And Vektor!
The new W.A.S.P. is also out today which I've got preordered and am really looking forward to despite Blackie's new found faith and supposedly refusing to play certain songs live these days...W.A.S.P. have been consistently great and I've been a fan since I was a kid.
It sounded much more intense live if that says anything. Could be something to do with the mixing and their energy levels while recording it? Could be due to road fatigue? These guys play more shows than any band I know.

In any case I hope the rest of the album is better. I still have faith, there were a couple tracks I never liked on Slave to the Sword also.