Metal 2015

We are putting up our year end lists by genre. So far doom/sludge/industrial, death metal, and progressive(ish) are up. Black metal, fusion/experimental, and core will be up tomorrow. We lean heavily on more underground releases, so there may be a few things on here you might have missed. Here is the death metal list:

Literally hundreds of reviews and streams of music from this year to look through as well. Mostly full albums.
Black Breath – Slaves Beyond Death
Akhlys – The Dreaming I
Downfall of Nur – Umbras de Barbagia
Desecresy – Stoic Death
Misþyrming – Söngvar Elds Og Óreiðu
Devouring Star – Through Lung and Heart
Desolate Shrine – The Heart of the Netherworld
Leviathan – Scar Sighted
Blaze of Perdition – Near Death Revelations
Shrine of Insanabilis – Disciples of the Void
Spectral Lore - Gnosis
Triumvir Foul – Triumvir Foul
Sarpanitum – Blessed Be My Brothers
Mgła – Exercises in Futility
Outre – Ghost Chants
Sulphur Aeon – Gateway to the Antisphere
VI – De Praestigiis Angelorum
Ævangelist – Enthrall to the Void of Bliss
Hæthen = Shaped by Aeolian Winds
Nightfell = Darkness Evermore
Blaze of Sorrow – Eremita del Fuoco
Pissgrave – Suicidal Euphoria
Windhand – Grief’s Infernal Flower
Grave Ritual - Morbid Throne
Abyssal – Antikatastaseis
Awe - Providentia
Adversarial – Death, Endless Nothing and the Black Knife of Nihilism

Black Breath – Slaves Beyond Death
Akhlys – The Dreaming I
Downfall of Nur – Umbras de Barbagia
Desecresy – Stoic Death
Misþyrming – Söngvar Elds Og Óreiðu
Devouring Star – Through Lung and Heart
Desolate Shrine – The Heart of the Netherworld
Leviathan – Scar Sighted
Blaze of Perdition – Near Death Revelations
Shrine of Insanabilis – Disciples of the Void
Spectral Lore - Gnosis
Triumvir Foul – Triumvir Foul
Sarpanitum – Blessed Be My Brothers
Mgła – Exercises in Futility
Outre – Ghost Chants
Sulphur Aeon – Gateway to the Antisphere
VI – De Praestigiis Angelorum
Ævangelist – Enthrall to the Void of Bliss
Hæthen = Shaped by Aeolian Winds
Nightfell = Darkness Evermore
Blaze of Sorrow – Eremita del Fuoco
Pissgrave – Suicidal Euphoria
Windhand – Grief’s Infernal Flower
Grave Ritual - Morbid Throne
Abyssal – Antikatastaseis
Awe - Providentia
Adversarial – Death, Endless Nothing and the Black Knife of Nihilism

Great picks. Reviewed a good number of those. You should check us out if you haven't already.
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What issues?

'Feel the Misery' has been pretty well received from the small number of reviews I've read, so my personal reservations are probably pretty subjective. Also, I should say as a caveat that I do like the album and it's by no means their worst. By the way, I've been into the band since 1995 and they'd be in my top 3 favourite bands of all time.

My issues:

1. For me I just don't get the chill - that feeling - that I get from their best work. This is a band whose best material is untouchable for atmosphere, and while I get some of it in 'Feel the Misery', I don't feel it as much as the band thinks I should, judging from the title. The keyboards and violin are in particular really soulless to me and largely tacked on.

2. Aaron Stainthorpe's voice. Sometimes it feels like he's trying to squeeze a vocal line onto a riff that doesn't suit it (like the main theme/vocal melody in the title tack), and I also think that he sings too much across the album. There isn't a lot of space for the music to just develop and take the listener places and I've actually found myself becoming a little annoyed by his warbling voice and growls appearing all the time. I haven't analysed this closely, but it seems like he's constantly signing and growling and in my opinion the riffs need space to breathe.

3. The drums sound a bit ill-suited to the riffs. Again, in the title track, the snare drum roll/fill during the very start of the song that plays along with Aaron's first few lines is just so out of place it's ridiculous. Other parts of the album are ok, but the drums just feel wrong to me more often than not. This could be due to me thinking about the fact that it's a session drummer who also engineered the album (a nice guy I briefly conversed with a few years ago, Dan Mullins), but I think it's more than my own bias. It sounds like a guy doing his best rather than a true part of the music's creation. Drum karaoke, if you will.

4. This is a pretty bullshit complaint because it has nothing to do with the music, but the artwork booklet sucks. The front cover is amazing, and when I saw it I got excited about a booklet that used all these great colours and explored the stained-glass theme, but no - upon opening the booklet it's just a bland set of dark pages with the lyrics printed on them. And a shite band photo in the middle.

These are my main issues with 'Feel the Misery'. There are some very good songs and moments on the album and like I say, I do like it, but overall it just feels a bit off. Albums I rate well and truly over it: 'Turn Loose the Swans', 'The Angel and the Dark River' and 'Songs of Darkness, Words of Light' to name just three. I don't expect bands to match their classics each time they release an album, but this band seems capable of more (or less in the case of Aaron).
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For me in no particular order and I know some ain't very metal....

LoG- VII Sturm und Drang
Green Death - Manufacturing Evil
Clutch- Psychic Warfare
Ghost- Meliora
Jungle Rot- Order Shall Prevail
FNM- Sol Invictus
Zombi- Shapeshift
Baroness- Purple
Goatsnake - Black Age Blues
Periphery- Juggernaut: Alpha ( I know....)
Good list. I was very letdown by the Nightfell record considering how good the debut is. Did you hear the Alkaloid record?

I think the Nightfell record was straight forward and simple but kept me interested. It's melodic, dark, heavy and has the kind of riffs and melodies I love. I like the vocals too

Just not into the Alkaloid record. I don't really like that progressive death metal style with singing and I thought instrumentally it was kinda boring.


I win.

IMHO it's over rated. But I'm not really into the whole "medieval sound" or whatever. And the harp? meh
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Boring instrumentally, really? That's quite something.

Yea the Nightfell is very straight forward. Hopefully they bounce back with their next release...seems like they rushed the new one. You should also check out Chapel of Disease. Solid stuff right there.

ah idk, I could be wrong. It just didn't click for me. I'll give it another shot

I think I listened to the CoD album a while ago. I don't really remember, I like the song you posted
So its not interchangeable like their last 5?

It definitely has the Tomi J era Amorphis stamp on it, if that's what you mean, and you don't need a microscope to see those trademark sounds and styles.

It's pure quality all the way through and as good as they've ever been in this current style if you ask me. So it's like an optimal version of Tomi J era Amorphis with a phat Jens Bogren production and the best damn melodies you'll hear this side of Helsinki with lyrics about climbing up a mountain and laying down in a circle of stones with a bear skull.
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So its not interchangeable like their last 5?
Based on how people have received it, no. Many who didn't care about other albums after Eclipse think this actually sounds fresh. It has more of an Elegy vibe, underlined by their most aggressive vocal delivery since.

One of only four metal albums I currently rate 10/10.