Metal 2017

Checking out that Enter the Soil now. Good stuff. I really like that style but the newer bands that pull it off seem to be few and far between these days. Will be digging deeper.

The new Fleshpress is, par for the course, incredible. Consistently interesting and always bringing something new to the table. One of the best, most forward thinking bands around.
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Moloch's sides from two different splits from this year.

The new Fleshpress is, par for the course, incredible. Consistently interesting and always bringing something new to the table. One of the best, most forward thinking bands around.

I have never been much of a fan of drone, but if any band had a chance at warming my heart towards the style it was always Fleshpress. You're right they really are one of the most consistently interesting and ever-changing bands but they lack that one fundamental flaw of sludge/doom bands that always progress: pretentiousness.

Never at any time do I feel like Fleshpress is spewing cafeteria sludge at me, it always sounds horrible, disgusting and dismal.
They get right what Thou always seem to get wrong, I feel.
I have never been much of a fan of drone, but if any band had a chance at warming my heart towards the style it was always Fleshpress. You're right they really are one of the most consistently interesting and ever-changing bands but they lack that one fundamental flaw of sludge/doom bands that always progress: pretentiousness.

Never at any time do I feel like Fleshpress is spewing cafeteria sludge at me, it always sounds horrible, disgusting and dismal.
They get right what Thou always seem to get wrong, I feel.
The progression over the years has really been something. Even the earliest material where the influence of the New Orleans style of sludge was at its most explicit, the ambient tangents they went on put them head an shoulders above any anonymous Eyehategod clone, not to mention the black metal influence on albums like The Art of Losing All and Pillars or the demented psychedelia of Acid Mouth Strangulation. With Tearing Skyholes and now with this new album, they've pretty much become they're own genre, transcending any attempt to pin one genre or subgenre on them.
Not being up with the younger generations terminology, could someone care to explain 'wigger' for me?
l know what Slam is but, if you care to check out my collection in the vinyl thread, you'd be hard pushed to find a slam album, meaning, lm not much of a fan but, yes, l do 'jerk it to' ladies of my persuasion.
Anyway Archspire sucks more balls than most.
Not being up with the younger generations terminology, could someone care to explain 'wigger' for me?
l know what Slam is but, if you care to check out my collection in the vinyl thread, you'd be hard pushed to find a slam album, meaning, lm not much of a fan but, yes, l do 'jerk it to' ladies of my persuasion.
Anyway Archspire sucks more balls than most.

I think he's confusing you with @morguelord
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The progression over the years has really been something. Even the earliest material where the influence of the New Orleans style of sludge was at its most explicit, the ambient tangents they went on put them head an shoulders above any anonymous Eyehategod clone, not to mention the black metal influence on albums like The Art of Losing All and Pillars or the demented psychedelia of Acid Mouth Strangulation. With Tearing Skyholes and now with this new album, they've pretty much become they're own genre, transcending any attempt to pin one genre or subgenre on them.

For me, Fleshpress are like the entire drug cinema genre rolled together into one band. I think I'm going to binge on some Fleshpress soon. :D