Metal 2017

Blood of Seklusion - Unconventional Warfare
(Italian raw school death metal.)

Cormorant - Preserved in Ash
(American progressive black/folk metal. Yeah, they're pretty interesting...)

Bütcher - Thermonuklear Road Warrior
(Belgian alcoholik speed metal. Suffice to say, this is fucking beautiful.)

Gigan - Plume of Ink Within a Vacuum
(Progressive/technical death metal from America.)

Proscrito - Ceremonia de los Penitentes
(Crushing death/doom from Spain.)

Venom Inc. - Dein Fleisch
(2/3 of the original Venom with Demolition Man from Atomkraft on vokills.)

Sublime Cadaveric Decomposition - Sabbath Nights
(Gore-soaked deathgrind from France.)

Cannabis Corpse - Chronic Breed
(American parody of Cannibal Corpse, revolving entirely around weed.)

Pathogen - A Graven Frost
(Apocalyptic death metal from the Philippines.)

Cosmic Void Ritual - Entrail Star Formation (Planetary Extinction Phase III)
(Cosmic death metal from America.)

Cosmic Void Ritual - Leaking Alien Sacrilege (Surgical Entropy Pt. 1)
(Cosmic death metal from America.)

Arvalastra - Hermetique Mysteries
(Spanish alchemist death/doom.)

Archmage - The Tomb of Horrors
(Fantasy-themed black metal from Rhode Island.)

Ereb Altor - Av Blod Är Jag Kommen
(Swedish viking metal.)

Shroud Eater - Iron Mountain
(Floridian sludge/doom band.)

Soulrest - Parallaxis
(Ukrainian technical death metal.)

Álfablót - With Wolven Visage
(Instrumental black/folk from Illinois.)

Archspire - Involuntary Doppelgänger
(Canadian technical death metal.)

Two records I'm really excited about but no tracks have leaked yet:

Mausoleum Gate's Into a Dark Divinity.


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Not that any of you probably give a shit, but the tapes are done. Message me if you are interested.
I'm sure it fucking sucks like Iced Earth has since about 2003.

I'm sure I'll listen to it once and think it's okay but after the second listen I'll never want to hear it again.
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