Metal 2018


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How is this compared to the last three or so? I doubt I'll be calling it AOTY but I have decently high hopes for it.

Honest opinion is that it is their best since Fueled by Hate. Is it Slaughter the Weak, Part 2? No, but I definitely hear the flair of the old school stuff on certain parts of the album (ie: Stay Dead). It definitely has a more sinister feel to it than the last 3 which is a step in the right direction imo. While I liked the last 3 albums a lot, they were getting formulaic at times (although Terror Regime is bonkers). Dave Matrise sounds super pissed off live now and that stepped up the intensity a bit and I think whatever is going on is translating into the music now.

With Revocation releasing their new album soon, I don't know if this will be AOTY. The new Priest and Corrosion will probably be #1 and #2, but this will definitely be Top 4. I'll have to let it simmer for a bit.
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