Metal:A Headbangers Journey

Mar 13, 2006
Tacoma WA
Have any of you guys bought this DVD? If not I highly recommended it. The second disc is really cool with all the extras. I always watch this stuff and wish they could have made it longer.

we watched this a few weeks ago. Very enjoyable. I really liked how the guy used his anthropology background to do the movie, and not just make it a metal movie, but something everyone can enjoy. Quite well done.

What did you think of the metal tree? I found me some mistakes on it...

Evil C.
I thought the metal tree was interesting. Yeah, mistakes, or maybe just difference of opinion. The other thing in a couple of the tree "branches" was it seemed they were not chronological. Like some bands from the 80's were lumped in with bands from the late 90's, how could they both be originators of a particular style of metal? Or maybe I was just reading the tree wrong. Anyways, stuff like that always give you something to talk about.
Yeah agreed. Gave me the idea of a series of episodes. The metal tree...Play a different genre like that each episode, starting from the beginning. who knows how long that would take though? too much of a taking?