Metal album covers as perceived by a child


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
Ok, so this morning, I was driving my daughter to pre-school.
She saw me shuffling through my piles of CDs sitting on the floor in the back seat. She asked to see some of them.

Here were her exact reactions, when I asked her how she liked each one:


NACHTMYSTIUM - Instinct-Decay

"I don't like it. Too scary"


HELLOWEEN - Gambling With The Devil

"I do like it! It looks like the circus!!!"


DEEP PURPLE - Smoke on the Water & Other Hits

"I like it. It looks heavy metal!!!"

The purpose of this thread?
Absolutley zilch! Though at least it will keep you away from the Halloween candy thread for a while, right??? :lol:
How about this... I was in a thread on another board and they had "ms paint albums by bands and guess what they are". Though the two I made are horribly easy to guess, at least if you're a metal fan.



Like I said... Too easy.
In all honesty, Helloween has a history of terrible album covers. Therefore, I usually never form an opinion.
I would say the new cover is along the lines of anything one would expect from them these days.
I think he's referring to the start of her teen years, whereupon every child, everywhere, becomes inherently embarrassed by their parents. This lasts for about 7 years, depending on how quickly said child matures mentally.
Ok, so I showed my daughter another CD cover this morning:


So, I ask her, "What kind of music does this look like?"

She responds, "It looks like pirate music!!!" :lol:

Looks like I might have a viking metal fan in the works!