Metal back on top

Jun 25, 2007
Often we (metalheads) complain about the lack of diversity on commercial radio stations or on tv (mtv for instance).
Especially in regard to metal. At least, that's what I have experienced in my environment.

But if we really want metal to become more prominent and give more oppurtunities to bands which are now semi-professional to make a living out of their music there must be something(s) we can do about it. I don't claim to have the answers on what we exactly should/can do...but the human mind and soul is a strong thing. We are all able to shape the world around us with enough dedication and wisdom, especially when we set our mind on it.
Yet we don't...

Is it perhaps the comfort we seek of being different within a group that is different of 'the rest'? Is it maybe so that we don't WANT metal to be more popular because we want to keep it to ourselves?
I hope I am not getting too philosophical on this....I am just wondering what you all think about this. Is metal (and I'm talking about the type of metal we all like and love on these forums) ready for a wider public? Or are we (the fans) not ready to share it yet?
I think that there are purists assholes out there who would quit listening to bands like Korgonthurus & Acabó el Silencio if they played their songs on the radio. They would get accused of selling out by these types so quick it would make heads spin. In the views of some people bands like this will even cease to be or have ever been a Metal band.

Real metal doesn't belong on the radio. Not too many people can handle it from what I've found out. Once music starts getting fast it's out of most people's league, then when it starts to get technical fuggetaboutit. Add some screaming/grunting & people think it's gross. I heard that radio Pop/Rock/Rap songs are normally under 3 minutes because studies were done & that's the maximum amount in a song that most people can "absorb". My ex who listened to nothing but radio garbage used to get weirded out when a song was more than like 5-6 minutes or something. I took my music easy on her too :Smug:
i think you guys are right about people not wanting metal to be popular. its pretty stupid though, and i think alot of people here would agree. but UM has never been a good gauge on the metal community as a whole.

If metal goes mainstream - that's cool. If it doesn't - no loss of sleep here.
However, it's my opinion that 'true' metal could never become mainstream. If it wasn't able to become 'mainstream'(top 40 singles) in the 80s than how the fuck is it going to do it now.
Part of metal's allure is the fact that it's an alternative to popular music and stuff that gets frequent airplay. It would be great if more people were into our kind of music, but then that eliminates my means of escape from the machine of popular society.
Plenty of metal has already gone mainstream. Mainstream is (by my definition) the ability to market to people what they like, rather than leaving it up to the individuals taste. There is plenty of metal like that.

I am all for bands being able to make a living out of metal, a few have done it successfully and maintained their integrity, but few can do it. This is why music like metal (a form of destruction of mainstream oriented values) does not generally work in the mainstream. Artistic integrity becomes far too tainted and lesser quality music results.

Society is more ready for it than ever. For lack of a better phrase, metal is not ready for society and never really will be as a complete genre.
metal is not ready for society and never really will be as a complete genre

I agree with what you guys are saying. But what about the bands in the 70's and 80's that had quite some airtime?
These days there are far less metal bands that can target both these categories (metal/mainstream) at the same time. And most 'mainstream' metallers aren't even considered 'metal'-bands by us.

The past proved that it can be done though.
Metal can rarely ever get on, or back, on the radio or billboard charts. I dont know if I would want 100000000000 people listening to Peste Noire. True metal is meant to be underground and will stay that way.

Other forms of music fit the radio mentality and that is fine.
Part of metal's allure is the fact that it's an alternative to popular music and stuff that gets frequent airplay. It would be great if more people were into our kind of music, but then that eliminates my means of escape from the machine of popular society.

I agree with you there Zephyrus... Metal is means of giving the finger to mainstream society. If Metal became part of the mainstream, that flame of giving the finger, would be lessened, and I think bands would loose some of their fury/anger.
I agree with what you guys are saying. But what about the bands in the 70's and 80's that had quite some airtime?
These days there are far less metal bands that can target both these categories (metal/mainstream) at the same time. And most 'mainstream' metallers aren't even considered 'metal'-bands by us.

The past proved that it can be done though.

Don't forget about how in Scandinavian countries, metal is actually QUITE popular, yet that doesn't deter any scene there from producing more great bands who are more underground at a fucking astonishing rate...
Devourment should be rather popular, seeing as how their groove sections are undeniably hip-hop oriented.

Coincidentally/ironically, they also rule.
I believe metal is back on top in other parts of the world. I don't think it will ever be on top in America as long as hip-hop is glorified.

You can't blame hip-hop for everything. The hip-hop that is popular and 'glorified' is nothing but shallow pop music pretending to be hip-hop anyway. If you're going to blame something, blame the mass-produced over-marketed shiny pop rubbish that makes up the top 40. Whether it's hop-pop or pop-rock or pop is irrelevant.

I'd fucking LOVE to hear some good music on commercial radio. But most people like 'safe' things. There's nothing 'safe' about metal. It's abrasive, and not easily digested. I don't think it will achieve any greater level of mainstream success that it has over the years, regardless of whether metalheads want it to or not.
Part of metal's allure is the fact that it's an alternative to popular music and stuff that gets frequent airplay. It would be great if more people were into our kind of music, but then that eliminates my means of escape from the machine of popular society.

Actually I'd say the allure of metal comes from the fact that it's not boring, and that the vocalists don't sing about their relationship problems or how much they want to cut themselves.
The hiphop-rap stuff that's popular now hasn't always been popular. And it was around for some time, this kind of music...but somehow it became a very big thing.
I know that about 15 years ago there were many people who didn't like it and didn't have any good words about the whole 'gangster style' surrounding it. And now they are the biggest fans :ill:

But maybe it's indeed better this way...must have hurt the hardcore-rappers to see the first white boys with slobby jeans and caps trying to act cool on their music :puke:
Maybe it would hurt us to see a bunch of stiff-guys in suits trying to headbang :lol:
isn't it ironic how we complain that metal is often no appreciated by the mainstream yet when a metal band rises into mainstream popularity, they're instantly hated, called sellouts & no longer respected in the metal community?
Indeed it is; metalheads desire bands to continue on their uncompromising path while becoming popular simultaneously; in essence, I'd say Nile (while I don't particularly like them at all) are the first in modern metal to actually do this.