Metal Clothing


Who Dares Wins
Mar 26, 2002
Why are all band T-Shirts sold only in 'Large' and 'X Large', particularly where XL is for the obese! Are we all Americans!? Are all metallers fat? I think not. :D

Does anyone know where you can get T-shirts or long-sleeve shirts in "Medium" size???

I'm 6'0", 215 lbs, and I only buy the XLs. Sure, I may be a bit heavier than what I'd like to be, but I'm not obese by any stretch of the imagination. Maybe if I took up chain smoking and malnutrition like 90% of my fellow metalheads, I'd be at a point where I could wear junior-sized metal shirts.

Additionally, it's been my experience that metal shirts shrink an unpredictable amount when washed, although not so much now as they did several years ago. Just buy a Large and wash it in hot water and put it in the dryer for three hours, it should shrink down to your size.
You got a good point maestro_al... Every time at a concert or festival, or even when ordering - a shirt, it´s in those unsuitable sizes..hehe... CHANGE IT!!!
Originally posted by maestro_al
Why are all band T-Shirts sold only in 'Large' and 'X Large', particularly where XL is for the obese! Are we all Americans!? Are all metallers fat? I think not. :D

Does anyone know where you can get T-shirts or long-sleeve shirts in "Medium" size???


Get bigger...
what the hell are you talking about? XL is pretty much medium compared to any real XL t shirts. Plus with any concert or band t- shirts they always shrink up to the size of barbie doll clothing after awhile anyways. I'd be wondering more about why the fuck there isn't more 2XL shirts. That's always been a huge pet peeve i've had with most of the shirts. I've been able to find a few though through hot topic .

JAH (proud to be a fat rhino fuck since XL is obese)
With normal shirts (store bought) I buy a medium or a large... with concert shirts, I usually get an XL.

They shrink, and for some reason, they are not as big as they say they are.

Like women's clothing... always marked a size smaller than it really is...

So fat girls can feel better when they fit into clothes!

I've noticed a lot of bands coming out with shirts just for girls...

But they're usually small and skimpy. Which is not necessarily a bad thing. ;)
Originally posted by xenophobe
So fat girls can feel better when they fit into clothes!


You're damn right, flame . I don't think thats very fuckin cool and being your next reply about clothing being skimpy makes you seem rather superficial. Maybe you're not smoking that weed correctly. Realize talking down on girls like that (the real women) is just as bad as calling a black person the N word. Same kinda hate , same kinda ignorance.

Grow up and turn off your television.

Originally posted by JAH
I'd be wondering more about why the fuck there isn't more 2XL shirts. That's always been a huge pet peeve i've had with most of the shirts. I've been able to find a few though through hot topic .

JAH (proud to be a fat rhino fuck since XL is obese)

Let me guess - you're the one who rolls around in a moshpit?

How can you be proud that you need a 2XL shirt? Can you even see your balls you flabgut? Lardass - put that pizza down and go for a run.

why would I need to see my balls when your eyes are permanently focused on them enough for the both of us...


Originally posted by JAH

You're damn right, flame . I don't think thats very fuckin cool and being your next reply about clothing being skimpy makes you seem rather superficial. Maybe you're not smoking that weed correctly. Realize talking down on girls like that (the real women) is just as bad as calling a black person the N word. Same kinda hate , same kinda ignorance.

Grow up and turn off your television.


Hey I'm fat and ugly, and have absolutely no problem with it. Sorry if I'm not politically correct to your liking.

If you find what I say offensive, maybe your therapist isn't as good as you think. Get over it or get a new shrink. :p

Do you think I could really care if you think I'm cool or not?

Or maybe I hit a nerve. Excuse me, if you easily get offended, but maybe you should put down those pancakes. :lol:

Fucking Forum Nazi.
People need to calm down and get the fuck over it. Who really gives a shit about someone being overweight or underweight? Everything looks good after a fifth of Jager, so does it really matter? I do think they should make both Medium and XXL shirts. Especially for the import shirts. Most of my shirts are XL but fit more like a large.

Fat people make the best music, anyway. Crowbar will destroy you with their massive leg drops.