Metal fans geeks?!


Here's a post lifted from the Sludge site which makes a pretty good assessment of a metal head. There was some blow hard on there calling Tool fans geeks, I'm no fan of Tool but "geeks?" Any read this:

Frome Metal Sludge forum:

Heavy metal fans = nerds, dorks, geeks,......

We're all no different than Star Trek geeks (and some here no doubt are).

I can never understand the mentality of any metalhead who can't comprehend that he/she's a fucking geek too.

Let's do a character comparison:

Let's say a sci fi nerd knows the script to his favorite characters in the Star Trek movies, spends all his time on forums talking about how The Next Generation is vastly superior to Deep Space Nine, buys the computer games, reads the books, subscribes to sci fi magazines, buys the action figures, wears the t-shirt, maybe even models his look off his favorite character, attends the conventions and constantly argues with other geeks about how Star Trek is infinitely superior to Star Wars...

... is NO more of a geek than...

A metal fan who knows all the lyrics to his favorite band and learnt to play their songs on guitar, spends all his time on forums talking about how Master of Puppets is vastly superior to the black album, buys the computer games (Ed Hunter, Queen's The Eye, Motley Crue pinball, Kiss Psycho Circus etc.), reads the autobiographies, subscribes to rock magazines, buys the action figures, wears the t-shirt, maybe even models his look off his favorite band member, attends the concerts and constantly argues with other metalheads about how Metallica is infinitely superior to Megadeth...

It's the same shit. I've said it before and I'll say it again, all of us here are just nerds who got sick of being the "geek" in the playground and instead became the "freak" instead. It's just a cunning disguise for geeks to fein coolness.

Like it's a coincidence so many bands took their names from Lord of the Rings...
I thought we're higher in the cool scale than them geeks because we're lively and we party, sleep around and are rebellious.
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
I'm a geek and proud of it!

You stole my line! :lol:

If being true to your music and the bands that bring you joy makes you a geek then I'm one.

BTW, I'm also a low-level Trekkie and fan of cimputers and software so I guess I'm also nerdy geek.

The difference I guess is that I'm not a blind fan geek.
I have no problem admitting that I'm a metal or music "geek". The problem I have with that post is that I was not a nerd, and I didn't look to metal because I was sick of being the geek in the playground. Metal geek is fine. Geek (dork or nerd), on it's own, doesn't describe every metalhead.

I'm not into Lord of the Rings AT ALL. What bands have taken their name from there?
Platinum Maze said:
I'm not into Lord of the Rings AT ALL. What bands have taken their name from there?

Rivendel Lords
Flying Nazgul


(check M-A if you don't believe me)
as amusing as that analogy is, the word geek just doesnt really work with the word metal - considering a large percentage of metallers love to drink and live wild.

Metallers may be fanatical and obssessive but most express themselves outwardly everyday, geeks dont do that. However there is most likely a number of geeks who do like heavy metal but every man and his dog use forums and the internet now so it is not as easy to say someone must be a geek because of an online presence.

In many ways forums and email have replaced the traditional telephone call catchup, instead of ringing your mates and saying "hey how bout that new album, or how about last nights show" you get online and do it, maybe you're at work, or shopping online inbetween browsing forums...
Ryan287 said:
im the new geek here!

first post!

Hahaha the famous wang hanging out of the pants pic. Cracks me up every time.
Oh yeh Im a fucking nerd and dork and could care less because Ive had my very fair share of hot chicks and not so hot chicks to do dirty thigns too and being a dork hasnt held me back at all.

Whats that??
A Pint.
It comes in Pints?? Im getting one.
Being obsessed doesn't equal being a geek imo. I think of geeks and nerds as the guys who did everyone else's homework at school, the ones walking around with a 2gb memory stick around their neck. That ain't me, I've got nothing against geeks or dorks or whatever, I just don't think it's descriptive of a metalhead. Freak - now that's moving in the right direction:zombie: