Don't have an interest in politics whatsoever. If i had to choose I'd be more liberal I suppose if I have definitions correct.
Not to start a political discussion but here's a politically themed topic.
Oh well in that case I prefer puppies over kittens.
I realized that most metalheads were anti-government libertarian types. I would say that in terms of economic issues especially...[snip]...Most metalheads are very racist, homophobic, intolerant, etc.
Punk and hardcore are typically more liberal when it comes to the fans/genre's lyrics, etc.
I think libertarians get this tag because some "libertarians" didn't realize "governments were ridiculously bloated gigantic bureaucracies" until Obama was elected. Mind you, I'm not saying that. I'm simply commenting on where that perception comes from.I assume you are saying that "anti-government libertarian types" are also "racist, homophobic, intolerant, etc." Which betrays a real ignorance of what libertarianism is all about. The libertarians I know (and I know MANY) simply believe that governments are ridiculously bloated gigantic bureaucracies which rather routinely trample on civil rights and rape their citizens...both figuratively and literally.
As for the OP's question, I'm mostly liberal to the point of being socialist.
With regard to the political proclivities of metal fans, I think it tends to be more about geography than genre. I'm guessing most of the folks who identified themselves as libertarian are from the U.S. I'd be willing to bet if you plotted it out, it would look no different than any political map of the U.S.; liberal metal fans in the northeast and west coast, and libertarian/conservative metal fans in the middle. And from my brief travels outside the states, it would appear metal has more liberal leanings.
You already gave a real answer three years ago, lol. But yeah...puppies all the way.
I must be the needle in the haystack, because I tend to swing liberal on most things. I think Libertarians have some good ideas, but they seem more hell-bent on proving that everyone else is stupid than actually offering reasonable solutions to our problems. Most Washington politicians frustrate me anyway, since so much money seems to corrupt the system and prevent any actual work from getting done. But on issues, I swing liberal. I support the rights of minorities, gay marriage, access to reproductive care (abortions, for one, but also a woman's right to to with her body what she chooses), programs for the impoverished, regulated welfare, etc.
I know I go left economically as well, just on the idea that I think wealth is distributed extremely unfairly, and that unfettered capitalism ultimately leads to evil. Part of that view boils down to a "rich keep getting richer" perspective, but also from observing that the idea that wealth will trickle down to the rest of us is an outright fallacy.
I'm also an atheist. So you can see why it's hard for me to take most Republicans seriously. I feel that church and state must always be separated, so making public policy based on religious doctrine is something I would never ever vote for.
That's just a summary of some of my own views. I have no time or energy to debate people on these things, although it is interesting reading everyone else's viewpoints.
This.I'm friends with people who hold beliefs all over the political landscape. I'm a moderate liberal, though I'm more fiscally conservative than others I know. I think my favorite group are the outspoken fans of libertopia - who are really fringe right-wingers, but they're too embarrassed to openly discuss their racist beliefs, and narrow-minded opinions; however, these will inevitably slip out if they're given enough rope. They're not Libertarians, but attempt to use the libertarian/conservative façade to hide their true identity. The Tea Party is a perfect example of this phenomenon.
They paint America's problems with a wide brush of cultural malaise, and use the colors immigration reform and welfare mentality to fill in their landscape of racial and class indignation. Then they try to cover it with a clear coat of politically correct repudiation to distance themselves from the unvarnished truth.
I'm friends with people who hold beliefs all over the political landscape. I'm a moderate liberal, though I'm more fiscally conservative than others I know. I think my favorite group are the outspoken fans of libertopia - who are really fringe right-wingers, but they're too embarrassed to openly discuss their racist beliefs, and narrow-minded opinions; however, these will inevitably slip out if they're given enough rope. They're not Libertarians, but attempt to use the libertarian/conservative façade to hide their true identity. The Tea Party is a perfect example of this phenomenon.
They paint America's problems with a wide brush of cultural malaise, and use the colors immigration reform and welfare mentality to fill in their landscape of racial and class indignation. Then they try to cover it with a clear coat of politically correct repudiation to distance themselves from the unvarnished truth.
They're fucking asstards, but that's just my opinion.![]()
I think my favorite group are the outspoken fans of libertopia - who are really fringe right-wingers, but they're too embarrassed to openly discuss their racist beliefs, and narrow-minded opinions
Pretty much in my landscape. I am no Libertarian by true definition, it is simply that the LP tends to have views "closer" to mine than others. Pure Libertarianism as the party wants it to become will simply not work. However, the "do as you want to do as long as it doesn't hurt others" and small government (a bragging right of the conservatives) IS EXACTLY what I want. Though far from verbatim, that is similar to what you seem to like in what I quoted .
You are obviously an intelligent person , by the quality of your post, but I take offense to some of your reply. I am a Libertarian leaner with conservative roots. I am also NOT racist. I have a Japanese wife and half Japanese children. Do I think there should be immigration and welfare reform ? Absodamnedlutely. That does not make "bad" nor "racist" because there are sorry people that simply don't like to work from all races, and I don't want to foot their bill. I also don't want people coming into this country without regulation taking jobs away from Americans, simply because they will work for less money. There is nothing racist about either of those views, and if there is, then I will proudly wave the racist flag.
Not trying to pick on you brother. Religion and politics often get people riled up. I have no problems with your views on things, but you seem to have stepped right on top of some of my views. I am not exactly Libertarian, nor am I exactly Conservative. If I had it my way, I would like the USA to be a monarchy with ME is King, but that isn't likely to happen.
My second choice would be a socially liberal and fiscally conservative government where everyone gives each other hugs and we are all millionaires. That is how Libertarians would like it. Not going to happen. We just have to do the best we can do.