The Politics of Metal - How I'm A Conservative Motherfucker

Brentney Spears said:
Looks like Milano's on board for Bush. I might have to vote Nader now. Kidding. I love you Billy. We ought to do a running list of Pro-Bush, Pro-Queefy, I meant Pro-Kerry musicians. I know Zakk Wylde is firmly on the right. Anthrax is all Pro-Queefy, shit again I meant Pro-Kerry, except Rob who probably has a felony record and can't vote or doesn't know John Kerry from Kerry King. Kidding. I love you Rob. I'd vote for Kerry King.

I don't know if Anthrax is pro-Kerry or not, but they sure seem to buy into the bullshit that fat tub of guts Michael Moore spits out. That fat loser won't do any interviews for his movie because it's been debunked as total BS by most of the major news outlets, including Newsweek which is hardly conservative.

The number one issue of our times is terrorism. People seem to forget that. The economy is well on the rebound, and things are looking up. The guy that will kill the most of those motherfuckers gets my vote. I'll I have to do is think about those subhumans sawing the head off poor Nicholas Berg and my mind is made up. They'd glady saw your head off too if they got the chance. Think about that while making your decision. Kind of funny how the media bombarded the Abu Gharaib prison "abuses," but the Nick Berg story was an afterthought. The poor guy was there to help those worthless rats and you can see how they repaid him for his kindness.

I'm not a Republican, but I sure as fuck know what matters. John Kerry wants to "internationalize" the war effort. Well guess what: The Serbian Muslims are burning Christian churces down by the scores right now, and slaughtering innocent Christians. You know what the French general in charge of the "U.N." forces did? He jumped in his APC and ran away. The U.N. is also standing idly by while hundreds of thousands of people are being slaughtered in the Sudan right now. If that's what internationalizing our war effort is about, then forget it.

Ok, I'm done venting. Vote for a political whore and an ambulance chaser if you want (which is why we pay so more for fucking medical insurance) but it sure isn't going to make the situation any better.
yeah has michael moore gave all his profits to making a better world,like fuck he has made a fortune from his so called sources that aint worth the shit u wipe your ass with.

to mant do gooders in this world
I´m pretty left-wing liberal myself but somehow most of the people I know and hang with are right-wingers (some of them far to the right). I never cared much though, if I hang with someone it´s cuz I enjoy their company. I do know a couple of people however who can not be around someone who votes left of Darth Vader. It´s kinda sad to see them.

I do critizize the politics that the swedish left does in politics (I´m not found of any major party so I vote blank mostly). I know swedish and america politics aren´t a mirror image of eachother.

And "yes" Michael Moore is an infotainer, if he makes people pissed and want too know more and prove him wrong that´s great. The problem is that a lot of people just listens to Rush (every drugabuser for himself) and let HIM say how wrong Moore and don´t think for themselves.
I voted for Bush in '00 (even though, as Rags mentioned, the Illinois electoral vote is always Democratic) because, at the time, he was much better than the Gore/Lieberman ticket.
However, this year, I am definately not voting for Bush. Besides the war, there are so many other things his administration has done that has pissed me off. From the under-funded, but mandated, No Child Left Behind Act to the new restrictions on sharing scientific findings with other countries. Not to mention the slashing of the National Science Foundation Budget and the restrictions on stem cell research.
Does this mean I'm voting for Kerry?? I really don't know. I still have lots of research to do before I vote.

Ragamuffin said:
I voted for Bush in 00. It didn't matter though because the Electoral votes went Democrat. The Illinois electoral votes always go Democrat. Thusly: My vote didn't count.
Which always made me wonder why we've had so many republican governors.
Because the Mob owns republicans locally, but democrats nationally. It's been that was since they voted in JFK. It's fairly obvious they own the local Republicans.
I voted for Bush in 00 and will vote for him again this year too. I just think he's the best choice of the two. As far as education goes, the feds seem to keep throwing more and more money at it but it seems to be the first thing that gets cut at the state level when the budget is off.

We all know about how John Edwards channeld a dead kid in the cour room. Will he channel a Dead president at the convention? Hmmmmmmmmmm.
Rozy157 said:
I'm not a Republican, but I sure as fuck know what matters. John Kerry wants to "internationalize" the war effort. Well guess what: The Serbian Muslims are burning Christian churces down by the scores right now, and slaughtering innocent Christians. You know what the French general in charge of the "U.N." forces did? He jumped in his APC and ran away. The U.N. is also standing idly by while hundreds of thousands of people are being slaughtered in the Sudan right now. If that's what internationalizing our war effort is about, then forget it.
What Serbian muslims are you talkin' about?? Surely these must be the same muslims that have been guiltlessly exterminated (read: holocausted) by the Serbs since '91 while the entire world watched - until a president of the U.S. of A., Slick Willy was his name, put his foot down... Saying that Muslims in Serbia are burning christian churches and slaughtering innocent Christians is like saying Anthrax are a light jazz pop band. Of course, not true. I'd be very interested in seeing what your sources are for backing up such an abominable (yes, it can be used here) lie....
mentalmeltdown said:
What Serbian muslims are you talkin' about?? Surely these must be the same muslims that have been guiltlessly exterminated (read: holocausted) by the Serbs since '91 while the entire world watched - until a president of the U.S. of A., Slick Willy was his name, put his foot down... Saying that Muslims in Serbia are burning christian churches and slaughtering innocent Christians is like saying Anthrax are a light jazz pop band. Of course, not true. I'd be very interested in seeing what your sources are for backing up such an abominable (yes, it can be used here) lie....

It was on the radio last night on the way home. Allow me to research this and I'll post a link as soon as possible.
mentalmeltdown said:
What Serbian muslims are you talkin' about?? Surely these must be the same muslims that have been guiltlessly exterminated (read: holocausted) by the Serbs since '91 while the entire world watched - until a president of the U.S. of A., Slick Willy was his name, put his foot down... Saying that Muslims in Serbia are burning christian churches and slaughtering innocent Christians is like saying Anthrax are a light jazz pop band. Of course, not true. I'd be very interested in seeing what your sources are for backing up such an abominable (yes, it can be used here) lie....

One more thing, Slick Willy's high level bombing campaign killed more innocent Serb's than anything during during that war. I also wasn't getting into a holy war discussion, as you are correct that the Muslim's were being ethnically cleansed before the US stepped in. I like how you had no comment regarding the situation in the Sudan right now.
If we start letting the people...pick and chose where how much of what tax dollars go to what soon nothing will be federally supported. That's why we elect these people.
Rozy157 said:
One more thing, Slick Willy's high level bombing campaign killed more innocent Serb's than anything during during that war. I also wasn't getting into a holy war discussion, as you are correct that the Muslim's were being ethnically cleansed before the US stepped in. I like how you had no comment regarding the situation in the Sudan right now.

"Innocent" serbs were collateral damage and they had it comin' for a number of years after murdering close to 200 000 Bosnian muslims and catholics... As for the situation in Sudan, I'm not informed and I don't give a flying fuck about it since I'm a Canadian. Ha!

I just saw Fahrenheit 9/11 yesterday and, keeping in mind it's a movie - called a documentary yes, but still a vision of its maker, thus, partial, it sheds some light on a lot of facts that the U.S. or the North-american media have "overlooked".
Its interesting reading what u guys have to so on the election. Here few give a monkey crap about making an imformed decision about who they vote for (if they even vote at all!). Some of you have posted good points and more importantly well imformed points, not bad for fat, lazy yanks! (just kiddin):tickled: