How many John Bush fans won't be buying Worship Music?


Jul 28, 2010
Hopatcong, NJ
I think it's time to put the John Bush nutswingers to the true test: If you love John Bush SO frickin' much, will you buy Worship Music since most of you don't seem to like Joey all that much?

And one more thing for the Bush faithful to chew on: One of the songs on Worship Music is more than likely going to replace Only in the live set. Maybe not immediately, but soon enough. Whether or not "Only" is actually a good song or not (opinions are different than taste people), Joey doesn't want to sing it live and it's going to get tossed aside like a freshly nutted in tissue in favor of a song off the new album.
I'll download it first. If it's good, I'll buy it (since I've bought ALL of the Anthrax catalog so far).

There are actually many, many songs to be replaced by the new ones. I'd start with Medusa, the crappiest song Anthrax has ever written. They also might as well drop Got The Time, or Indians, the band must be sick of it themselves anyway. If they drop Only, why not? At least Joey won't be ruining it anymore.
I'll download it first. If it's good, I'll buy it (since I've bought ALL of the Anthrax catalog so far).

There are actually many, many songs to be replaced by the new ones. I'd start with Medusa, the crappiest song Anthrax has ever written. They also might as well drop Got The Time, or Indians, the band must be sick of it themselves anyway. If they drop Only, why not? At least Joey won't be ruining it anymore.

I would not shed a tear if they dropped Got the Time or Antisocial.
I was a Joey fan but even bought the John Bush albums. Granted I literally took Volume 8 and through it out the window of my car like a frisbe. But still bought it. I bought Sound of White Noise as well.

I could see if John Bush got fired and they replaced him with Joey why some Bush fan boys would be pissed. But it's John Bush that turned the band down and didn't want to work with them anymore. So you can't really blame Anthrax for that move
I just wonder if this will beat WCFYA in first week sales. That album sold 9,819 in its first week, I thought for sure this one could beat it but with Megaforce I don't know.
I'll buy it if I really dig it. If I don't, I won't. No point in wasting cash when I could buy something else I dig instead.

As far as them dropping Only from the setlist - good. Joey ruins the song - do it right or don't do it at all.
I'll download it first. If it's good, I'll buy it (since I've bought ALL of the Anthrax catalog so far).

There are actually many, many songs to be replaced by the new ones. I'd start with Medusa, the crappiest song Anthrax has ever written. They also might as well drop Got The Time, or Indians, the band must be sick of it themselves anyway. If they drop Only, why not? At least Joey won't be ruining it anymore.

Really, Medusa is worse than Cupajoe or any random song from Stomp 442?
I'm an Anthrax fan in general, even though I prefer Joey over John I still bought all the JB CD's, now I've bought every copy I can of the Joey era albums (Japan and domestic version, some french versions, some German issues). I'm buying this CD just to be able to own it, both the Japan import and the U.S. version. I've been collecting 'thrax stuff (mostly Joey era) for a long time.

The bigger my collection is the better. I can't even fit all my shit in this case, and I've gotten alot more stuff since I took that picture (vintage shirts, shorts, LP's, Laserdiscs, scarfs, and way more).

I'd buy the new album just to support Anthrax. Plus Fight 'Em is such a badass track.
@SacrifyX- now that is tonnes of GRAND SHIT there!!

@NevermoreTHC- don't see the need for such a discussion. What the band need now is full support from ANTHRAX fans.
Well, this particular John Bush fan will definitely be purchasing Worship Music, barring death or being put into a comatose state. That's because this John Bush fan also happens to be a Joey Belladonna fan, and couldn't give a flying fuck who sings.
Well, this particular John Bush fan will definitely be purchasing Worship Music, barring death or being put into a comatose state. That's because this John Bush fan also happens to be a Joey Belladonna fan, and couldn't give a flying fuck who sings.
