How many John Bush fans won't be buying Worship Music?

A lot of people don't feel the need to be either a John or Joey fan. For those who do, I think it comes more to musical direction than anything else. With Joey, Anthrax were clearly a thrash band. With John, they clearly were not.

I think that's the main thing. Sure, there are people who prefer the sound of one's voice over the other, but it seems like the biggest point of contention is the music. And right or wrong, fair or not, bands are generally identified by their singer, and people assume the singer exerts control over the direction of the band. That is definitely not the case with Anthrax, along with numerous other bands.

Therefore, Joey = thrash which was good, John = grunge/groove which was bad. I think that for a lot of people, that would probably be a fair summary of the arguments. Not perfect, but fair.



If Joey happened to sing on Volume 8 or Stomp I would still throw the CD's out of my car window like a Frisbee. I still would not care for WCFYA and probably wouldn't want much to do with SOWN. The Bush fanatics can't seem to get it in their head that it's really not about the vocals it's about the style of music Anthrax played when he happened to be their singer.

If Anthrax were to put out a THRASH metal album and John Bush was on vocals I'd probably dig it just as much as a Joey led Thrash metal album.

The only Anthrax album in which I think Joey sounds amazing is Persistence of Time. If John Bush sang on that album it wouldn't have been nearly as good.
I for one am past the Joey / Bush debate. We are where we are.
I got into Anthrax with POT / B's so right at the end of Joet era 1. Basically Bush formed 'my' Anthrax. That said Joey is a top guy and all the singer fiasco aside I listened to 'Fight 'em...' and thought it sounded bloody good. Modern Thrash. I was concerned Joeys vocals would seem dated but now I am confident that this album will kick ass. I welcome Joey era 2 but still will enjoy Bush era.

You're looking at it all wrong - we are lucky to have TWO Anthrax's to enjoy with a decent back catalogue that evolved - unlike Slayer who churn it out and Metallica whos forays into different directions were poor.
Im mostly a Bush fan and still a Joey fan, just not a ironmaiden-fan..09!

I was a huge Iron Maiden fan, until Bruce DICKinson came out a while back talking about their lengthy career and expressing his concern about "a bunch of fat, old men" attending their concerts. Exactly what do you think you are Brucie?? cock. Beer?
I was a huge Iron Maiden fan, until Bruce DICKinson came out a while back talking about their lengthy career and expressing his concern about "a bunch of fat, old men" attending their concerts. Exactly what do you think you are Brucie?? cock. Beer?

Love Maiden & Bruce, was referring to everyone's favourite forum member and Bush lover, IronMaidenfan09


If Joey happened to sing on Volume 8 or Stomp I would still throw the CD's out of my car window like a Frisbee. I still would not care for WCFYA and probably wouldn't want much to do with SOWN. The Bush fanatics can't seem to get it in their head that it's really not about the vocals it's about the style of music Anthrax played when he happened to be their singer.

If Anthrax were to put out a THRASH metal album and John Bush was on vocals I'd probably dig it just as much as a Joey led Thrash metal album.

The only Anthrax album in which I think Joey sounds amazing is Persistence of Time. If John Bush sang on that album it wouldn't have been nearly as good.

It is interesting that the line is always 'Joey voice sounds dated' or 'Bush is the better singer'. I hardly ever hear any of them say that Anthrax's music improved with Bush. Maybe they don't want to get laughed at?
Are you sure you didn't misunderstand his words?

Back in 2005, BD spoke to The Morning Call (which I believe is the Allentown, PA newspaper). Here is the full quote...

In Europe we play mainly to audiences who are all under the age of 25. In America, I'd say the average age of the audience is 30-plus. That's not great for us. And it's also not great for young kids who come to see the band in sheds because they end up sandwiched between a bunch of fat old men drinking beer and eating hot dogs, and the kids are like 'Shouldn't we be really rocking?' So what we want is the Ozzfest vibe, which I think is much closer to the audiences we play to in Europe. That's the audience we want to impress, really.

If Bruce didn't mean to insult older fans, you know; the ones who put Iron Maiden on the map at all, he really fucked the pooch.
Back in 2005, BD spoke to The Morning Call (which I believe is the Allentown, PA newspaper). Here is the full quote...

In Europe we play mainly to audiences who are all under the age of 25. In America, I'd say the average age of the audience is 30-plus. That's not great for us. And it's also not great for young kids who come to see the band in sheds because they end up sandwiched between a bunch of fat old men drinking beer and eating hot dogs, and the kids are like 'Shouldn't we be really rocking?' So what we want is the Ozzfest vibe, which I think is much closer to the audiences we play to in Europe. That's the audience we want to impress, really.

If Bruce didn't mean to insult older fans, you know; the ones who put Iron Maiden on the map at all, he really fucked the pooch.

Ozzfest vibe...he must have meant being thrown eggs at and all :lol:
Some opinions could be the other way around. Not all think the groovier John Bush era was bad.

Regardless, it's not musical direction that makes me prefer John - I love him on the thrash stuff too, and I love the old songs - I just never liked the Steve Perry style Belladonna vocals - it takes away the aggression. But then some people like that, because it was different.

I don't dislike the John Bush era either. I liked SOWN from beginning to end, and WCFYA was solid with a couple weak spots, but overall good. However, I think they could have taken the best songs from Stomp 442 and Vol. 8 and made one good record, as opposed to two records that have a lot of skipped songs.

But enough with all that. I'm looking forward to Worship Music. Vocally, I prefer Bush's voice, but I'm happy with Belladonna. For everyone saying his voice sucks these days, all I can say is that when I saw them with Megadeth and Slayer last October, Joey sounded the strongest of the three.


If Joey happened to sing on Volume 8 or Stomp I would still throw the CD's out of my car window like a Frisbee. I still would not care for WCFYA and probably wouldn't want much to do with SOWN. The Bush fanatics can't seem to get it in their head that it's really not about the vocals it's about the style of music Anthrax played when he happened to be their singer.

If Anthrax were to put out a THRASH metal album and John Bush was on vocals I'd probably dig it just as much as a Joey led Thrash metal album.

The only Anthrax album in which I think Joey sounds amazing is Persistence of Time. If John Bush sang on that album it wouldn't have been nearly as good.

Kinda ironic considering your signature?
I'll download it first. If it's good, I'll buy it (since I've bought ALL of the Anthrax catalog so far).

There are actually many, many songs to be replaced by the new ones. I'd start with Medusa, the crappiest song Anthrax has ever written. They also might as well drop Got The Time, or Indians, the band must be sick of it themselves anyway. If they drop Only, why not? At least Joey won't be ruining it anymore.
Same as Johnnie!! Agreed