Metal Fashion Vs. Rap Fashion

I hate goth kids, they annoy the shit out of me.

The only good thing about the whole goth scene are goth chicks. While the majority of them are fat and unappealing, have a million piercings on their face, and look like they have never showered, there are some really hot goth chicks out there who dont take themselves seriously. I dont mind them at all =)
I Hate People Who Define Themselvs By What Music They Listen Too. I Like to wear Von Dutch, American Eagle Etc,But I Still Listen to metal, and I usally have more knowlege of metal then people who wear all black and dress up.
I have long hair, because I like long hair.
I wear jeans all the time because they are comfortable.
I wear band shirts because I like the bands, so if they have a fucking shirt I'll wear the fucking shirt.

SlaughterofSoul said:
Fashion is gay. Worry about the music, and not the way someone looks. I saw someone wearing a Wu-Tang Clan hoodie at a show, and he was enjoying it, so looks are petty and trivial in personal preference.
LordFireworm said:
You're seriously deluding yourself. Next time you go to a gig, see how many people look the exact same.
With that said, you have the greatest current Black Metal band in your signature so I'll leave this be.
Well thats an easy way to stop and argument before it starts.

But to the topic, I must admit I cant speak out of experience. I havent been to any 'big' shows because there are none within a 3000km radius of my location. The local gigs that used to go on about 2-3 years ago were full of cool people who didnt care about their appearance, only about 1/4 of them wearing band shirts. So my point of reference isnt very strong, but it's all I can use from experience.
Most shows i go to people wear band t-shirts of the bands they're into, very few wear anything else. It represents them. Example: I commonly go to shows wearing a cannibal corpse shirt or iron maiden shirt. Or some random tourshirt i bought at that show or at another one if i like the band. I'm not trying to "fit in" to any fashion, just kind of a way to show what kind of bands i'm into. Then i also wear jeans and sometimes this vest/jacket kind of thing i've had for years and worn to every metal concert, i just make it a small ritual to wear it, it's more a psychological/traditional thing for me. I don't know why i do it. I did it without realizing the first few concerts then have ever since even though it's covered in paint, tears, and shit like that.
There are several reasons I like wearing band shirts. First of all I like the way longsleeve and black shirts look on me. So odds are thats what I'm gonna be wearing. Well it's wonderful coincidence that metal bands make such shirts. Now why would I wear a plane black shirt when I could wear something with awesome imagery on the front that actually means something to me? And yeah, I mostly wear dark jeans, but the pants I'm wearing right now are made out of some other type of fabric (don't know what it is though...)
On the topic of clothes my Burzum Filosofem and Hvis Lyset Tar Oss shirts arived today. God these are such nice shirts.
I dunno about the rest of you guys, but i wear black most of the time, a band shirt and my jeans (only cause they save my arse on the bike, It would be shorts otherwise,) and boots, not goth boots or doc martins or any of the shit, for the last 8 years i have worn nothing but my steel toe work boots, they go hard, and i have a pair that i wear to every gig i go to, they have sen quite a few shows and are almost dead now. if ppl don't like it or think itis a fashion trend, thats their problem,

the whole world is to obsessed with what everyone else thinks,

Fuck that.
dargormudshark said:
Judging by you'r username (USMC0341), you are a Marine, therefore you are certifiably hardcore metal! I salute you and you're devil dog brothers!

Much appreciated dargormudshark...that means a lot to me...especially nowadays...

Yeah, hip hop fashion seems to be one of the norms today. Black/hip hop culture has an enormous influence on young people (below 35-40) in general these days. I wouldn't be caught dead wearing hip hop clothes, and I don't dress "metal" either.
FluffyDonkey said:
...and boots, not goth boots or doc martins or any of the shit, for the last 8 years i have worn nothing but my steel toe work boots, they go hard...
Man I want a nice solid pair of boots so bad. I'm sick of these fucking shoes that only last a few months and let every liquid seep through them! Not to mention boots really just add a nice intimidation factor, which, honestly I like to have...
Caelum Adustum said:
I have long hair, because I like long hair.
I wear jeans all the time because they are comfortable.
I wear band shirts because I like the bands, so if they have a fucking shirt I'll wear the fucking shirt.