Lord Tim said:I reckon Dungeon should play!
I's reckon LORD should play.

See Dungeon forum for info.
Lord Tim said:I reckon Dungeon should play!
The Pimp NeonBlack said:Yes. . . I's was being a touch facetious 'bout getting Mortal Sin to play, but once again, it looks like the internet has failed I on the sarcasm front.
Oh, well.
I's do remember hearing 'bout the Mortal Sin gig back in '96 from Wayne himself and what a disaster it was.
But I's have heard good things from Hobb's last few gigs (the Mayhem & Destruction supports) and it looks like they will be playing early anyway, so it's not like I's gotta wait all day to have my's hopes flattened.
Anyone heard anymore 'bout the lineup yet? Unkle? Gore?
Does anyone if Black Steel can finally make it across this year? Because if M4TB needs more of something, it's cheesy Power Metal. !
The Pimp NeonBlack
DravenMist said:Yeh I tell ya what, I'm damn glad they were replaced on the Episode III to rid of the nu-metal bands embedded in the line-up! Then it will all be good.
Daysend could possibly have something going for them if they got rid of their singer! The music's not that terrible. Keeping in mind, it probably still wouldn't be my cup of tea, but he ruins the whole band.
thehellishone said:Unfortuantely as long as Triple J have anything to do with M4TB, nu(un)-metal bands will be on the bill.
As for Daysend, they have one incredible guitarist, a fairly solid musical line up and a shaved chimp with it's head up it's ass for a vocalist. As long as this is the case I will be avoiding them like I avoid Jehovah's Witnesses.
Unklekronoz said:Triple J has nothing to do with the selection of the bands and I'm pretty sure either does Tropiano , they are chosen by Rodd & Adam the MFTB organisers . The reason more commercial ventures like Triple J & Kerang are involved is due to the enormous costs the lads have to come up with out of their own pockets before a ticket is even sold .
I don't get into the more popular bands that play (besides Alchemist)but I realise that if there was only death, grind or black metal bands playing there would probably be only 500 people rather than 1500 -1700 they've had the last few years (I tip MFTB to break 2000 this year ) and the more payers , means more money raised for Alec Hurley & The Brain Injury Foundation ,which is why the Armoured Angel guys started MFTB in the first place .
Shit bands means time to check out merch , have beer or a billy or chat to people .
The Pimp NeonBlack said:And remember kids: M4TB is more about letting Alex have a better quality of life for another year then it is 'bout what fucking bands are playing.
Koichi said:No offence Ewen, but I don't think many people go to MFTB thinking "Yeah fuck yeah better quality of life for Alex" They go to see the bands.
Which in turn gives him the better quality of life. So the event is more about the bands, the money raised is more about alex.
that would be a lot worse than having just a few nu metal bandsGoreripper said:Triple J and Kerrang are sponsors of the event, but it's the Sanigav/Alchemist guys who organise the bill and choose who's playing, which is as it should be, or it would have become "Heavy Alternative for the Brain" years ago and Powderfinger would be headlining.
Goreripper said:His name is Alec.
Triple J and Kerrang are sponsors of the event, but it's the Sanigav/Alchemist guys who organise the bill and choose who's playing, which is as it should be, or it would have become "Heavy Alternative for the Brain" years ago and Powderfinger would be headlining.
thehellishone said:For some reason I was under the impression that Triple J orgainsed the bands that play on their stage. Don't know where I got that idea from??
Anyway, I have to disagree. I think if there was a higher number of quality metal bands then it would be a much more successful event. I know quite a few people who have said they won't bother going because it's all the "same old bands", "it's too far to travel to see bands that play here anyway", etc, etc.
As for raising money for Alex, unfortunately it's not people's first priority when deciding whether or not to go. It should be, but it's not. The fact that it's a charity event is merely a bonus in many cases.