Metal for the Brain 2003

The Pimp NeonBlack said:
Does anyone if Black Steel can finally make it across this year? Because if M4TB needs more of something, it's cheesy Power Metal. !:rock:

Black Steel won't be making it out this year. Dave Harrison has been trying to offload all the band's airline credit he has from last years cancellation to people who are coming over from Perth for it this year. I think they've given up trying especially after the last two attempts (Ansett collapse and cancellation last year).
Cooperman said:
Black Steel won't be making it out this year. Dave Harrison has been trying to offload all the band's airline credit he has from last years cancellation to people who are coming over from Perth for it this year. I think they've given up trying especially after the last two attempts (Ansett collapse and cancellation last year).

Well, I's offered for them to come and play the west coast, use up all their airline credit, but Dave never got back to I 'bout it.
I's think it was when they were going through the major lineup changes, so I's don't blame them for not wanting to tour.
And yes, Black Steel have never had much luck when it comes to M4TB.
Oh, well. Could be worse.
JACKO said:
btw, when will the other 13 bands be confirmed?

Within the next two weeks hopefully.
Well, they'll announce the full line up on both their new website and Triple J sometime soon.

Anyone got any news on Enter Twilight, Eternal or Intense Hammer Rage?
'Bout time those boys left Tassie for a real gig! :rock:

Anyway, I think Hobbs is headlining the stage they're on? Or so I'm told... I wouldn't be surprised if Pete Hobbs demanded that he headline a stage. For his sake he'd better not hope he's not on at the same time as D666 otherwise there might not be many people watching him.
Chow Mai Dong said:

Anyway, I think Hobbs is headlining the stage they're on? Or so I'm told... I wouldn't be surprised if Pete Hobbs demanded that he headline a stage. For his sake he'd better not hope he's not on at the same time as D666 otherwise there might not be many people watching him.

Except for about 10 really drunk old-schooler -all in their demin and mullets- screaming out for Mortal Sin.
Kerrang! Stage :
Blood Duster
Destroyer 666
Infernal Method

Triple J Stage :
Embodiment 1214
Stockholm Syndrone

Outdoor Stage :
Hobs Angel Of Death
Vanishing Point
Fuck...I'm Dead
Gospel Of The Horns
Pod People
Contrive Mind Snare
Captain Cleanoff
[sarcasm] Wow [/sarcasm]

There's about 5 bands I want to see and only 2 of thosse I haven't seen before.
I'll probably go for the road trip and other associated activities, but fuck nearly all the bands that are playing, especially on the nuJJJ stage (except for Alchemist of course).