Metal Genres


\m/ (*_-) \m/
Jul 29, 2001
can someone tell me the diffrences between al the metal genres:
Doom/death/trash/black/extreme etc.?

i'm confused
:confused: :confused: :confused:
Doom metal requires a keyboard and a 486 CPU. Death metal requires an ice pick and a victim. Thrash metal requires death, but not with something slow like an ice pick, something more along the lines of a guillotine or an uzi perhaps. Black requires you partake in it at night.

Italy, you can find things online to answer your question...that require much detailed answers. Search for Death for Black Metal. You'll find answers. Don't be lazy now! ;)

I don't know which sites to give you, because there are so many of them out there. What about going to Audio Galaxy and downloading what you need to use the site and listening to bands and then finding out what genre they're in probably from the same site itself.

That'd be the best way to go--> Listening to the music yourself and then realizing yourself what each means rather than just taking someone else's word for it. That's what I found to be the best route myself.

Good luck! :)
Well, I CAN separate them from each other - in my own mind that is. It is just so damn hard to try to explain someone, HOW they are different from each other. It is like telling how an apple tastes different from a pineapple, or something like that.

I really would like to have an easy, one-sentence explanation, how to separate the different metal sub-categories from each other - much like the way Raziel put it, but in a bit more serious way (no pun intended).

Originally posted by Itay

umm, but why do you keep calling me Italy?
my name is Itay :p

:lol: , when i first saw your name i thought it was italy too, i suppose we see italy because the word 'itay' doesn't make sense and our brains see it as italy:) like when you write the word brown in a purple colour font and our brain gets confused, or maybe we are both dislexic.
i come from australia, the home of heavy heavy death metal (go to to see). The way i separate the two (black-death) is as follows:

-Death metal (in australia) is pretty well crap. There is hardly any chord progression, little variation, and a cacophonic mix of heavily distorted guitars, speed drumming and death vox. I cant say that all death metal sucks, as my experiences are limited to australian bands such as Sadistik Exekution, Bloodduster, Misery etc.

-Black metal is quite, yet sometimes not much, different. There is a large variety of types of black metal, ranging from bands such as emperor and cradle of filth to Lord Kaos (another australian band). Black metal is always in a minor key, and takes much of the focus off the cacophonic grinding sounds and creates a new, evil sound. The vocals can be anything from Dani Filth's shreiks to clean singing. The main theme of blakc metal is EVIL EVIL EVILEVIL

Well, thats what I think anyway. you are welcome to argue with me, as I am no expert on the subject! is pretty cool for finding descriptions of different genres/styles and related artists. Do a search for 'Progressive Rock' and select style as the search type. Apart from that, the rest of the site is brilliant as well. I'd really recommend everyone check it out.
Doom - lots of keyboards, and lyrics about the end of the world. :lol:

Death - Suffocation or Nile anyone??? Death consists of fast guitars, fast drums, and a singer with throat cancer.

Trash - To be trash, you have to live in a caarvan and go on the jerry springer show. I THINK YOU MEAN THRASH. Thrash is old metallica and old slayer (two different bands, but still, both thrash, and both pretty trash aswell.)

Black - This is what happens after the members of an amature death metal band get flower-bombed. :lol: Also note that the vocals sound as though you are putting a cat into a blender...

Progressive - No comment. Just listen to Cynic, watchtower, martyr. Opeth, control denied and Death are semi-progressive.

Power - Ugly men with long hair singing about elves and mystical worlds where the roses are purple...
Power - Ugly men with long hair singing about elves and mystical worlds where the roses are purple...

Lol thats about right, but you make it sound bad... iced earth and blind guardian kick arse!!!

Black - This is what happens after the members of an amature death metal band get flower-bombed. Also note that the vocals sound as though you are putting a cat into a blender...

cat in a blender summarises it well, but it makes it sound bad.
Trash - To be trash, you have to live in a caravan and go on the jerry springer show. Haaaaa! :lol:

Itay, I'm sorry. I just took it for granted. Grrrrrrr! I hate it when I do that. _Transparent_ summed it up better. I'm a moron like that sometimes. :loco: Some things are so preset in the brain and they sort of take over with things that seem like they don't require much.

Itay. OK. So, what is it anyway?

"The folded message that wept my name."
Here. This is me when I read that.

:loco: <-----------"DURRRRRRRRRR!" :lol:

Well, I must say. That's quite original. Cool. :)
Originally posted by _Transparent_
:lol: , when i first saw your name i thought it was italy too, i suppose we see italy because the word 'itay' doesn't make sense and our brains see it as italy:) like when you write the word brown in a purple colour font and our brain gets confused, or maybe we are both dislexic.

Yub, that sounds reasonable 2 me ;)