Metal Gods


kaiju eiga
May 19, 2002
Detroit, MI
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Alright, I'm no good at doing reviews, but I figure I'd share my random thoughts and opinions about the show.

The Metal Gods Tour - Agora Theatre, Cleveland - 4/26

The tour was playing Detroit the next night, but no Testament on the bill for our show, so a Cleveland road trip with me and a couple of friends was in order. Got lucky and scored a hotel room that was less than a half a mile down the road from the place, so I guess there will be no hesitation on getting our drink on tonight.

Never heard these guys before, but they have the guitar player and drummer from Halford. Not bad, but not great mid paced thrash. It was very formuletic and the singer was clearly using effects on his vocals that sounded bad, but all in all, a good show opener.

Carnal Forge
I am a big fan of these guys. For some reason, they were the only band on the bill not to use the PA system, which made the sound kind of crummy. Still, CF ripped it up big time. I'm bad with song names with these guys, but I can remember I Smell Like Death, Ripped and Torn, and HBF Suicide.

So I guess this is the replacement we get for Amon Amarth not being here yet (still not happy about that), but I am glad to See Behemoth. I missed them on the Deicide/AA tour because it skipped Detroit. I only have Zos Kia Cultus, and I like it alot, but boy was I not prepared for how awesome Behemoth would be. I can't say enough about these guys live. I need to get more albums. Unbelievably fast and clearly the stars of the show so far.

Primal Fear
Pity the band who has to follow Behemoth. Actually, I enjoyed Primal Fear, but I can't say I am very familiar with their material. Still, it doesn't take but one song to realize the formula of this band, and they pulled it off well. This point of the show is where the effects of drinking heavily is starting to show.

At this point, I had gotten pretty drunk so I can't remember alot about Immortal other than it was great. Damned In Black and Tyrants are songs I recall. Good thing I've seen them before sober.

Ah, nothing like an old fashioned pit to sober you up. Two days later and my neck and many other muscles are still killing me. Fuck, I am too old for that shit, but with a band like Testament, I just can't help myself. Chuck is back and with more energy than ever. All those guys are amazing, Chuck, Eric, DiGiorgio, Smythe, Allen. I had a stupid grin on my face for 45 minutes as they tore through their set. Songs Testament played: DNR, True Believer, Down For Life, Into The Pit, Low, Over The Wall, Burnt Offerings, Disciples of the Watch, and a few others that escape me right now. I caught one of Jon Allen's sticks and gave it to my buddy Greg. Man did I feel like I was 16 again. Testament was truly great.

The combination of too much drinking and too much jumping around in the pit during Testament equaled me feeling like shit. This lasted a few songs during Halford until I became 'that guy' who puked in the bathroom. Well, that's one way to make you feel better. I'll tell you this, the old guy has still got it. I was pleasantly surprised to hear 'White Heat, Red Hot' and 'Diamonds and Rust.' Other than that, if you're familiar with Live Insurrection, you know how this show went, just sprinkle in a handful of tunes off of the amazing Crucible album. It's good to see the crowd go apeshit for Electric Eye too, clearly a highlight of the evening.

Bottom Line
There is a reason why Testament is one of the greatest bands of all time and they proved it tonight. Without a doubt a show to remember. Behemoth was probably my second favorite, with Halford, Carnal Forge, and Immortal close behind. The sound was ok at best, but the crowd was very awesome. Everyone seemed to be really into every band, which is cool. I can't think of any other show in the States where so many people would be yelling and screaming for bands like Behemoth and Immortal. Hats off to Mr Halford for putting this together. Clearly one of the, if not the best package show I have ever seen. Here's hoping it will be a yearly occurrence.
That's a great report man. A lineup like this ranks alongside the glory days of concerts like Clash of the Titans. I'm seeing the show this weekend, and I have to say (like I did in the other thread) that shows are just getting better and better which means that we no longer have to travel miles to see a band.

Or at least this is the case if you live anywhere half-civilized, har har. ;)

Gods of Metal is one hellavua line-up and I cannot wait to see Halford, Testament, Behemoth (again) and Immortal and Carnal Forge (for the first time).

(Although I love Behemoth, I'm hoping we get Amon Amarth though in NY).
JayKeeley said:
(Although I love Behemoth, I'm hoping we get Amon Amarth though in NY).
From what I read on the AA board, they are only missing the first three dates (Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit) and are joining the tour in Toronto. Don't quote me on it, but I think Behemoth is only playing those 3 dates and then they are heading over to that 'Blackest of the Black' tour.
bloodfiredeath said:
It was sick. As far as I could see, his hand was a friggin blur.

The guy sweeps the strings across bass cords (no plectrum in sight, although I think he wears a heavy duty pick on his thumb so he can 'slap' the bass strings harder).

I have never seen bass playing like that and at that speed! Imagine Yngwie Malmsteen trying to do what he does without a pick or scalloped fret board....
bloodfiredeath said:
It was sick. As far as I could see, his hand was a friggin blur.

The guy sweeps the strings across bass cords (no plectrum in sight, although I think he wears a heavy duty pick on his thumb so he can 'slap' the bass strings harder).

I have never seen bass playing like that and at that speed! Imagine Yngwie Malmsteen trying to do what he does without a pick or scalloped fret board....

Shame the production on Zos Kia Cultus is so diabolical.
God of Metal, NY:

We went last Friday, and found that we were not put on the list (even with confirmations in hand). So we talked to the tour managers, and they were obviously pre-occupied with the cancellation news, but at the time we didn't know why... we paid to get in, cos that line up is great, and then we heard about the cancellation by Jack Koshicks assistant. Wow, lucky that we caught this tour in time.

We'll have a quite a funny live report on this summary, we'll cover:

Terrential rainfalls
The debacle of trying to get in
Immortal refusing Markgugs for interview (hehehe, wait till you hear why...)
Carnal Forge granting me an interview (whilst Immortal were putting on their corpse paint, hehhehehe)
A near fight in the mosh pit with three little Mexicans
Hanging with Exit to Eternity (one very cool unsigned band btw)
New smoking laws in NY