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Religion is a perfectly logical thing to rebel against, considering how much some parents/countries encourage it. It's not childish or immature to want to believe in your own individual logic and reason. You need to cut the crap about rebellion being an attribute of misled youth.
Religion is a perfectly logical thing to rebel against, considering how much some parents/countries encourage it. It's not childish or immature to want to believe in your own individual logic and reason. You need to cut the crap about rebellion being an attribute of misled youth.

Why is religion oh so threatening ? Its never affected me, either way. Where did I say it was immature to believe in ones own evaluation ? This is the thing I seek most in people rather than seeing them adopt that of some band wagon because its cool, or because they bought someone elses brain wave. Since when has undefined rebellion not been a fad of youth in "western" culture ? Some of us, such as myself keep it for life, only, speaking for myself, I now see clearer to help focus on the core of problems not a vast blanket thrown over the top.
Fenrisúlfr;7576152 said:
Seconded; if there was no rebellion, tyrants would rule with impunity.

bah hahaha, I've been enlightened, there is not tryants ruling... OK... thanks