Black metal = Fail

Norsemaiden said:
Black metal may still influence people to become nationalist if they are fans and then come on UMF, read what Infoterror writes, and then find out more.
Even if the bands they liked to begin with weren't political.
I'm pretty sure that's infoterror's objective. ;)
it is the people who listen to music for any other reason(s) other than the music itself that ruin music for me
i'm quoting myself here cuz at this point it really seems neccassary... i mean where the fucking hell did this music being psychological thing come from??? there wasn't any "meaning" in any of the music before WW2 cuz it was just music and the people just listened to the sounds that they liked and music wasn't any more fucking complicated than that... metal was already destined to fail before it even fucking existed
A lot of methods are used to make political statements. Take for example comedy. Comedy is almost always political, even South Park. The Simpsons has a political point in every episode. It's still good fun though, and I say that even though it is always extreme left-wing agendas in these shows and so there's a lot I disagree with.
I think politics in comedy is intellectually stimulating, but it probably just brainwashes most people. Do you want to start a thread about this LRD?
It seems worth mentioning that one might asume that "youth movements" (which is a bit of a misleading term I guess) are never about changing the world even though they usually proclaim it. They are always, from the outset on, about belonging and identity.
Even a small scene already displays all the dynamics of any social group and while believes and their expression may be more extreme in small groups than in large that can be attributed that in order to integrate a growing number of people a unifying ideology (using the term quite losely here) needs to become both straighter and less extreme.

In other news:
The romantic period tried very hard to construct a nationality from a broad, always changing and highly diverse culture and at least in my eyes, that attempt has failed.
Nationality is just another construct that lets us indentify and belong to some social group however abstract.