Women of metal should not dress like whores!!!

at a recent show in LA I saw Warrel's tongue dart out and suggestively run rings around the head of the microphone.
Originally posted by the one who did something
of course it was not intentional, at least I hope not

jesus you look at things way to serious

not the sharpest tack in the box

But if it wasn't intentional why would he be showing it like that? If that happened to me I'd have the guitar covering it at ALL times or play with my back to the crowd or something.
Originally posted by metalized
About the dildos thing that Guerilla mentioned, i think that (to me at least) nobody should use a microphone cause it really looks like a dildo and imagine warrel when he has to bring the dild... oups microphone closer to his mouth to sing battle angels (in the old good times of course ). Regardless of the clothing and if you put just a stroke of imagination you might think that he is blowing the microphone and likes it. LOL Same to everyone else who uses microphones.

And what about when you play a solo on the guitar? If you just put a stroke of imagination you can see the guitarist jerking off.
only you people would take a picture that is obviously just a mishap of someones pants being ripped in the crotch and take it seriously

have you ever heard of accidents
Originally posted by Guerrilla
And what about when you play a solo on the guitar? If you just put a stroke of imagination you can see the guitarist jerking off.

that is what playing the guitar is. it is like showing everyone your cock. so either they have very low self esteem or very small genitalia and feel the need to prove themselves otherwise

you a guitar stroker guerrilla
If one was conceivably bored enough *like I am now* we could examine the obvious sexist and misogynist aspects begun with the original post here. Simply put, who gives a FUCK what Angela wears or doesn't wear so long as she can rip out the vox proper like any good death metal vocalist should? If it bothers you that she enjoys expressing feminine sexuality in the process, maybe you should get laid more often. Or maybe it has more to do with sociological and theological standards you have subjected to through the course of your upbringing?

Next you'll say a woman who dresses in such a manner, if she gets raped, had it coming.

SImple fact is, so long as the vocals, and the music, live up to what they need to be, it's not a relevent issue. Whether she looks like the damn elephant man and comes out on stage dressed in blood and the corpses of dead dogs *actually that would be sorta cool" or naked, get over it.
Alright it's late here and I'm tired so I'm just gonna say some stuff that might not make a whole lot of sense.
Originally posted by Jimbo
Next you'll say a woman who dresses in such a manner, if she gets raped, had it coming.
Although I wouldn't go as far as to say that, I still laugh at some female posters on the AE forum who go like
"oh come on give Angela a break, she gets out there in front of millions(wtf?) of people everynight, sweaty men that scream and shout that they want her body..."
I can't possibly know if Angela enjoys this or not, most likely she does, but whoever thinks this, obviously also thinks that Angela has no other choice but to go up on stage dressed in skimpier clothing than Britney Spears herself. I would straight up laugh at a female singer dressed like a stripper who gets out in front of drunk and drugged up men and demands respect. Again, I'm not saying this is the case with Angela, I'm just pointing out that some women on that forum think this should be the case.

Next, I never claimed there's an issue with the quality of the music, but it bothers me when I read comments that go along the lines of "I'm willing to do anything in order to sell more records".
I realize how fucked up the music industry is and that musicians need somehow to make enough money to survive but when Angela for example makes statements like the above one, she's basically admitting she's using her sexuality and her good looks to sell records and she does not dress the way she does just cause she likes it, and cause that's the way she always dresses (as she claims), but she rather does it to attract a whole lot more male buyers. It's like Cradle of Filth having nude women dancing up on stage... Is that really necessary? You go to a concert to see your favorite band and appreciate the music and not to see nude chicks dancing. You can go to a strip club for that.

In no way do I feel there's something morally wrong with nudity, sex and murder, I was just curious to see what people think about bands having their female members in the spotlight just to sell more. I feel that at some point such bands that heavily emphasize looks and circus acts will stop being bands and will rather be fucking strip acts or a bunch of circus morons.
paraplegic breakdancer has a pretencious nick.
why show off? :err:

sig: nearly 30-yrs-old-lesionbrained-rotten-coma-translator

:heh: :D
No, Trapped, it is necessary for you to find yourself a woman to dance nude for you. And other stories. LOL You're getting older, your hair is leaving you, and you are getting "crystal" while watching somebody's else's chick waving her property parfuming the air under your nose which is the ultimate that you'll get from her. You're not Curran Murphy, damn. :grin:
ha ha... funny stuff.

My hair's not leaving me THAT quick. Most of it's still there, i've just got a "Shaped" hairline now :grin:

Phht. Women dancing nude. Really not my thing at all. *shrug*

It's all part of the show tho! :)

Woah... i swear your hair gets shorter every time i look at your avatar teetee :eek:
titty? :err: :rolleyes: :p

that pic was taken 5 years ago. I had a "shaped" hair-do, see? now it's shaped as well, looks like a bell. :Smug:

how can nude women be an important part of a music METAL show? if it was circus, I'd say, OK, they gotta get some air, but this way..... members of bands could perform nude as well, then. :Smug: a-ha-haaaa.....