Some common things I overhear others remark about my apearance are neo-nazi, skinhead, facist, and as there is a heavy local hispanic community, diablo negro (black devil). Oh well.
Basically, I shave my head (had 3 foot long hair for 10 years, but I got annoyed with it one day, so chop chop), big shiny New Rocks, military fatigues, commonly wear blackmetal or EBM shirts or the occasional hoodie or sweater and a big ass spiked collar when I feel like distancing myself from everyone.
I don't think I wear such things as much to gain attention, but rather to keep people away from me. I don't like socializing. Plain and simple. I have a small circle of friends and that's all I need.
My roommate is heavily into punk, and dressed the part (complete with an assortment of monster tattoos, patches, peircings, spikey hair, ect...), and whenever we bother to go to a bar it's like a scene from a movie, with everyone turning around and staring in disbelief. I swear if there was a record player in these places you'd hear the needle scratch right off the fucking thing.