What do you guys think of Zao?

Originally posted by nergal_S
zao sucks for 3 reasons

1) the music
2) its hard core
3) they are christians

:rolleyes: It's just so cool to be "anti-Christian" isn't it? It's almost a knee-jerk reaction for you people.. a reflex, of sorts. You look absolutely ridiculous when you use that as a reason to hate a band, but then again apparently everyone else thinks its cool since it seems to be "the thing to do"


shokrok.. i dont like lyrics like "kill the blasphmers" from mindless christians. But i did say music #1, because there music is the worst element, next its the scene they belong to, and finaly its there personal belifes that ruine it all.
It's just so cool to be "anti-Christian" isn't it? It's almost a knee-jerk reaction for you people.. a reflex, of sorts. You look absolutely ridiculous when you use that as a reason to hate a band, but then again apparently everyone else thinks its cool since it seems to be "the thing to do"

Again, that's completely biased.

I pose the question to you: If a Jew refused to listen to a National Socialist band, would you have the same qualms?
Originally posted by nergal_S
shokrok.. i dont like lyrics like "kill the blasphmers" from mindless christians. But i did say music #1, because there music is the worst element, next its the scene they belong to, and finaly its there personal belifes that ruine it all.

Yeah, cos "kill the christians" is far more acceptable.

Dismissing music because of their scene is just stupid and shows you see music as a trend rather than what it is.

Their personal beliefs ruin it?! Ahh I can't be bothered...
Originally posted by phon1c
Yeah, cos "kill the christians" is far more acceptable.

Dismissing music because of their scene is just stupid and shows you see music as a trend rather than what it is.

Their personal beliefs ruin it?! Ahh I can't be bothered...

:lol: I agree with you! It seems so reflexive for some people at the slightest mention of Christianity or God, almost as if they aren't thinking for themselves and just want to be tr00 and grin and kvlt :rolleyes: :lol:

My first problem here is DeathraceKing's constantly trying to come off as being above this argument, when he kicked it off by commenting on the band being Christian. Then he attempts to take others to task for commenting on HIS comments? Absolutely useless!

The whole thing IS biased, but that is hardly the point. We are different people with different thoughts, if we care to discuss and debate things from our respective points of view, so what? I personally think NSBM is horrid, the bands sound the damn same, and nazism is one of the most pathetic things i've seen, and i've seen it quite up close, living around here. I don't even want to get into what i think about modern satanism, nazism, anti-christians i nmetal and whatnot, because I already need to take a few HOURS and respond in the billy milano thread, I don't need another novel-sized debate going...
My first problem here is DeathraceKing's constantly trying to come off as being above this argument, when he kicked it off by commenting on the band being Christian. Then he attempts to take others to task for commenting on HIS comments? Absolutely useless!

I was presenting my argument, opening the door for any commentary or criticism, yes, but the so-called 'criticism' was nothing more than unbased generalizations and ridiculous pressupositions regarding my motivations. Then again, if someone made a topic about a random NSBM band, and someone used their Nazism as a reason not to listen to them, there would be no complaints. Is it the scarcity of people who would answer similarily that makes it more credible, or just the fact that they 'showed the balls' to take a societally-acceptable point of view despite potential remarks?

From an objective point of view, disliking a band due to Xtian influence and disliking a band because of their unorthodox political ideals should be in the same boat.

Oh, you have every right to have a double standard: I know I do. At least I'm up front about it, however.
oh and what a surprise that mentioning zao in here has got such a bad reaction ..
if zao werent christian a few more people would probably like them ,, if zao werent automatically classed as hardcore, then people would probably love them, if most of you even bothered to even listen to them, you would probably love them ..

tell me, how many of you like neurosis, meshuggah, isis? well, if you do, then you would like zao ..

i am against the christian religion wholeheartedly (apologies to any christians on here) .. but i fuckin love zao, ive got all their albums, and daniel weyandt's vocals are as brutal as just about any death/black metal band, harsh as fuck

nergal, you continue to astound me with your ignorance and stupidity, i might enter you into the guinness book of records ..

i admit to loving hardcore and lots of the bands and even some of the ideals (no matter how ridiculous some of them are there are merits to them) and i am every bit as metal as any of you that refuse to accept hardcore ..
one thing to mention ..
on the subject of bands beliefs and whether you should like them for it or not ..

well, why not SEPERATE the two, ie, seperate the politics of a band and the music ..
ive been given so much shit for liking burzum over the years, been called a nazi, nearly been beaten up in germany when i innocently (and stupidly, but not even realizing) had a burzum patch on my bag when i was playing shows out there, generally disbelief etc ..

okay, here is my thoughts on that, the views that count grisnackh has is fuckin stupid .. he is a dick.. but his music fuckin rules .. there ya go, easy!

now i personally dont like zao's religious stance, but the music fuckin slays, and is as evil and harsh (especially the earlier stuff) as any death metal band .. so i love it ..

graveland - the views and the lyrics are a fuckin pile of shit, but the music is pretty good ..

there are people i know who agree with me 100% on this stand point, who even like bands like skrewdrivers first album, MUSICALLY, but know what utter filth they are and their views are ..
(ive never heard it so cant comment)

basically, all i know is, by not being prejudice against a band cos of the politics to do with them, i am not missing out on enjoying even more quality music .. so . hmm, maybe i win!!!!
Originally posted by sh0kr0k
:rolleyes: It's just so cool to be "anti-Christian" isn't it? It's almost a knee-jerk reaction for you people.. a reflex, of sorts. You look absolutely ridiculous when you use that as a reason to hate a band, but then again apparently everyone else thinks its cool since it seems to be "the thing to do"



Couldn't have said it better myself. To dislike a band because they're Christian is pretty lame. If I disliked bands based on they're evil and satanic lyrics/imagery hell I'd be short about 100 CDs...plus God if I was prejudice against Christian bands I'd be missing out on Norma Jean..who are KILLLERR...
fair enough .. you aint a fan, at least you aint started talking bollocks saying "i only dont like it cos its not metal" .. which seems to be the general closed minded consensus from the metallers on here ..
just appreciate it for what it is, a totally different scene and stop making such a fuckin fuss about it, go off and listen to your satanic metal (of which i am a fan of too.. who gives a fuck what their politics are if they make good music!) ..

*paul now listens to cave in .. a METALLIC HARDCORE BAND!! fuck you all!!