What do you guys think of Zao?

I listen to 'hardcore' on occasion. (\m/ Sick of It All \m/)

Besides... it not being metal obviously isn't an issue.

Right now, I'm listening to Tori Amos. The previous thing on my playlist was Vital Remains, and the next is the Lord of the Rings: Two Towers soundtrack.

I'll probably go to sleep tonight listening to Burzum.
Subject matter doesn't bother me. I'll listen to anything from Graveland(racist) to Orphaned Land (religious)to Aborym (satanic). So fucking what. The music is great, and in the end, that's all that matters.
hey dreamlord, to a certain extent it is, as long as you can seperate the music from the politics which is fair .. seems that you do ..

farrell, well, thats typical subtle as fuck farrell view, but surely thats just hypocritical and like saying all religious stuff is moronic, and thus saying zao are .. but you are right that ZAO are FUCKIN ACE!!!!!!!!! ..