Metal is the best escape ever


Aug 7, 2002
Does anybody else just turn up some nice fuckin metal when they dont feel like dealing with the world ? Loud is good.

paddok said:
Does anybody else just turn up some nice fuckin metal when they dont feel like dealing with the world ? Loud is good.


I do the exact opposite. I listen to metal because it is a major part of my world and I made it that way..... Then again I don't have the angst I used to carry at a younger age. I listen to metal to bring me to different emotions rather than relieve me from unwanted ones. That's not to say I don't have bad days and blast some Slayer or Accept and drink beer until I feel better though. ^___^

I listen to heavy metal when I feel like:

1. beating the shit out of someone/something.
2. when I'm bored and have nothing to do.
3. just enjoy the music.
Heh, I listen to metal every day, because I love metal. Just when your havin a shitty day nothing makes the world feel better than blasting some music in your ears.
It's great how music can change your mood in 5 minutes. The change can go either way, from happy to depressed or vice versa.

I also think it's neat how, if there is an album I used to listen to a LOT a during some time in the past, whenever I listen to it now, I get pulled right back to that time. Amazing. It's really a great way to keep your mind open, by listening to plenty of music.
"Imagniation is the only weapon we have in the war against reality."


And to answer the question, yes, some times I let myself drone out to metal abulms. I put 'em on, close my eyes,think about and sometimes dream about the abulm.
I find metal to be the PERFECT escape...and as you have stated, thats only the beginning. Metal is like the soundtrack to life...whatever emotions I'm experiencing...there is a band and/or album to go with it. Immortal Death, indeed my man...Metal is Life. :headbang: :headbang:
I don't use metal to escape because I listen to it every day whether it be brutal or softer. It's just a part of my immediate surroundings and whatever I'm in the mood for. I don't try to escape anything anyway. I just deal with it and move on to the next pile of shit life throws at me...