Best ever scream in metal?

dirty_sandwich666 said:
Cannibal Corpse - Devoured By Vermin

the scream at 2:22 is just fucking metal
I got hooked to that song from seeing that video. That blood curling scream by Corpsegrinder is just wicked.
dirty_sandwich666 said:
Cryptopsy - open face surgery (live 1995 with Lord Worm)

He extends the scream at the end to about 15 seconds longer than it is on the album.
I could have sworn that Flo does the long scream.
Death - 1,000 Eyes (at the end where Chuck sings "We are enslaved now.....")

Cryptopsy - Crown of Horns (The opening scream is fucking awesome)

Dissection - Where Dead Angels Lie (the part at around 4:11 where Jon screams "DIE!!!")

Death - Spiritual Healing (around 7:02 and other parts, before he sings "practice what you preach...")

Death - Pull The Plug (around 2:03 where he screams "all too late")

And I might add more later.
i don't know if you'd count it as a scream, but the bit in Strapping Young Lad - Oh My Fucking God when it all goes completely fucking schizo-insane-heavy and Devin does some stff.

I think it's at the end of Napalm Death - Taste The Poison that Barney Greenway does a neat roar.

But i can honestly say it's not one of the first things i try to remember when i hear a song.
Judas Priest - Dreamer Deceiver has my favorite scream(s). Not only is the screaming magnificent towards the end of the track, but the song as a whole is my personal favorite by them ever. It's woefully underrated.
FailingAcension said:
I could have sworn that Flo does the long scream.

Nah, why would Cryptopsy have the drummer do it when they have a vocalist as good as lord worm?

Its him, plus if you listen to the talk after the songs finished you hear Lord Worm say "I've been holding back just so i could do that for you. NOW youve been to a Cryptopsy show."
My Dying Bride - She Is The Dark

at 1:07

EDIT: I just forgot to mention one more which it's not like the usual screams...a really really great one though...Lord Belial - Realm Of A Thousand Burning Souls (Part I)
at 11:07
Dickinson's screams are really cool, love the ending of Aces High.

But IMO the best scream ever is a coin toss between Rob Rock in Axel Rudi Pell's "Nasty Reputation" (near the end), or Mark Boals in the song "Leonardo" by Yngwie Malsmteen.
Hansi Kurcsh - Demons and Wizards - Fiddler on the Green, right after the "Just hold my hand, I'll take you there. You're Pain will go away" line. It gives me goosebumps sometimes.