Metal labels are not doing their job

Walter_Langkowski said:
You think The Gathering playing in four American cities constitutes "a rather large tour"? Hmmm. Interesting.

Agalloch is a "Popular" band? Yeah.

What is your definition of "popular"? Selling more than 500 CD's a year?
LOL, a large tour? 4 cities???? I didn't check that, that's a shitty tour.

Agalloch is popular, considering the kind of music they play they're quite well know in the metal communities
Orion Crystal Ice, maybe that has something to do with Rage's and Running Wild's crappy music?
Oh. I see. And I guess.. Metallica's fame has everything to do with their GOOD music, and the same with Britney Spears. Right on, gotcha.

Why get famous and "get somewhere"? I don't see the point. Sure I like getting my stuff decently released, but I'd rather sit at home and copy demo-tapes forever than make crappy music.
Maybe you don't see the point because you see music as a hobby to take up this 10 or so years of your existence rather than a life mission to reach people and make a positive difference with. Of course it makes a lot more sense to act like you don't want any exposure, don't want anyone to hear your material, and then turn right around and exploit your underground-ness on whatever metal site or e-zine. I totally understand now.
Orion Crystal Ice said:
Oh. I see. And I guess.. Metallica's fame has everything to do with their GOOD music, and the same with Britney Spears. Right on, gotcha.
This is not what I said. Please stop putting wordsin my mouth.

Orion Crystal Ice said:
Maybe you don't see the point because you see music as a hobby to take up this 10 or so years of your existence rather than a life mission to reach people and make a positive difference with. Of course it makes a lot more sense to act like you don't want any exposure, don't want anyone to hear your material, and then turn right around and exploit your underground-ness on whatever metal site or e-zine. I totally understand now.
I see music as more than a hobby, but I sure as hell don't do anything to "reach people and make a positive difference". I don't act like I don't want any exposure, it's not like I'm beating up everyone who mentions any of my bands, but I don't strive for fame and make pop music just so people will see me everywhere either. People who want to hear good music will find it themselves. You are really stupid and I dislike you.
Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
::::::: yawn ::::::::::: .... i guess you never thought your supporting "selling out" by buying your fave band's CD's
HÖHÖHÖHÖ YEAH RIGHT or maybe we are helping them recoup what it cost to make the album? PERHAPS? Also, a lot of the bands I listen to do not get money from the label. This is a metal forum, so stop thinking things work like in the mainstream.
Labels "recoup" not bands.. after they recoup the bands get whatever royalties they agreed to with the label plus whatever they make from the publishing. And bands do make money however little that money may be unless the band's music sucks so much that the label isnt able to recoup and pay royalties from releasing their albums. Anyways bands tend to make most of there money from touring not actually album sales so you can be right on that.I never talked about the mainstream but indie's work almost the same as the major's with regards to royalties, recoupment, publishing etc. But thank you for your opinion and for not throwing insults ( I respect that more). :rock:
Walter_Langkowski said:
You think The Gathering playing in four American cities constitutes "a rather large tour"? Hmmm. Interesting.

Agalloch is a "Popular" band? Yeah.

What is your definition of "popular"? Selling more than 500 CD's a year?
I am sorry if I was incorrect on The Gathering's tour. I was under the impression that it was larger.

Yes, Agalloch is popular within metal circles. Popular in metal does not equate to the same popular with everything else. You should know better than that.
Cleopatra used to.. only ones who seem to do so are Nuclear Blast, Century Media and various others you see constantly in Metal Edge, Metal Maniacs, Anvil etc.. No we wouldnt Sorath so best not to chat about it as some others think as you and i got into hot water over it. But it is a business in that it costs money to release albums whether its the band self releasing it or its the label doing it. But anyways what is your album recommendations as of lately? ....
I dunno how to explain it. BUt i really just think that the music scene goes in waves of good to bad. The bad tends to out weigh and out sell the good, as good music is harder to create, and like than mediocre or bad music.

There's always pop, there's always a bunch of crap out there, in times like these it's just good that people have some admiration for actual music with integrity. I think soon enough rock music will enter the mainstream in a good way again. And that will open doors for many of it's counterparts (metal being one of them). As you can see metal is gaining popularity again.

and as for the lables, we need MORE. Money is the issue most likely. There are some obscenely good bands all over the place that get absolutely no where. Though i'm sure if they were in places like Europe or Japan, etc their talent would be shared world wide.
Arrakis said:
and as for the lables, we need MORE. Money is the issue most likely. There are some obscenely good bands all over the place that get absolutely no where. Though i'm sure if they were in places like Europe or Japan, etc their talent would be shared world wide.
more... I think we need less, more quality, less labels making more money, less shitty releases and crappy bands
I agree with you Arakis. Anyways the reason indie metal labels sign so many bands and not be discriminating really is because whether we like to admit it or not a label is a business and it takes money to make money for them and the bands. So they sign many many bands and hope one band/album will turn a profit while the ones who don't eventually fade away to make room for more crappy bands. Also whatever profit they make from the shitty bands they probably use to promote their bigger bands. It apparently happened to Susperia when they were on Nuclear Blast. They mention it in their interview in this month's Metal Maniacs. This is a quote from the interview of Athera from Susperia:

"Then, suddenly, Dimmu Borgir and In Flames exploded. They had all these big big selling bands that needed alot of attention. We were one of 600 bands. If you don't sell a sufficient amount of albums, you're put on the shelf."