Metal Mix (SSD & POD Farm)

Apr 2, 2008
New Jersey
Hey guys. It has been a long time since I posted a mix so I decided to do so. Let me know what you think. FINALX.mp3

Updated Mix (14 Jul 2010)
Fixed vocal issues with high freq, slammed the DeEsser a little more Vox Fix.mp3

Updated Mix (14 Jul 2010)
Drums up in volume and fixed some tightness issues Drum Fix.mp3

Updated Mix (15 Jul 2010)
Fixed vocals a little more Vox Fix 2.mp3
Sounds cool man , are the guitars quadtracked ? I think you could add a synth or something in the melodic parts, that could work really good with the vibe of the track .
Guitars are sort of quad tracked in the sense that the two guitarists played two takes each and I have them panned 100 L 45L 45R 100 R. This band didn't use synth in this song but some others have it.

As far as the vocals having too much highs; I have a desser on em and I really cut them too. Kinda diggin' it with the higher freq cause when I take em out they sound kinda dull. But I hear what you mean, sometimes it hurts your ears when its loud.
fucking awsum man the sound is gawjus, ther seem to be some issues with the tightness every now and again but apart from that its awsum, oh btw not to keen on your china, the vocals sound lush he sometimes sounds like the guy from eyes of a traitor
Just got a private msg and wanted to share with others

private said:
hey man,
i really like your guitar sound in your Metal mix thread.

some info about guitar settings in pod farm?


My chain looks like this:
Noise Gate -> Screamer -> Cali Diamond Plate -> 4X12 Treadplate w/ 67 condenser

then in my DAW it looks like this:
EQ -> C4 (for bottom end) -> jbferox (for an added crunch)
You may want to try the compressor before the EQ and DeEsser. Someone mentioned the vocals needed some DeEssing. With the compressor after them, it may be bringing those trouble freqs back up. If you run the compressor before the DeEsser, it should eliminate that. May help, may not.
Just gave that idea a shot Chris and didn't notice any big difference. It just seems to me that the highs are a little too high. I will lower that on the EQ or add a C4 to it.
Yeah, most of the time it doesn't make a big difference unless you are super cranking on the compressor. In that case the compressor kinda masks any eq changes you make. Sounds great though man.
This sounds sick! :worship:

Like Foundations said though, a few tightness issues here and there. I also think there should be a load of delay and reverb on the lead guitar parts.

What's the band called?
Updated Mix (14 Jul 2010)
Fixed vocal issues with high freq, slammed the DeEsser a little more Vox Fix.mp3

Not too much of a difference but I got rid of that nasty high freq

I got another private msg asking for my settings in full. I will share but remember it is pretty much about the type of pickups and so on.

POD Farm:
Screamer ( Drive 16%, Gain 72%, Tone 9% )-> Cali Diamond Plate ( Drive 89%, Bass 57%, Mid 77%, Treb 100%, Pres 68%) ->4X12 (Room 27%) 67 Condenser

All guitar tracks go into this bus
EQ ( Shelf Low 98 Hz -8.9 Q.7, Shelf High 3k -4.2 Q 2 )->jbFerox (low cutoff 124, high 8k sat 30) ->C4 ( 40-160hz gain -2, attk 15 and rel 15)

Use the C4 to get rid of the muddy sound where the bass and kick merge.