Metal Mix (SSD & POD Farm)

Having a hard time hearing the snare. Can hear the double bass alright, but all the drums seem like they're mixed a little too low.
Great mix overall. Maybe still too many highs in vocals, it hurts sometimes.

What do you use for the electronic drums in the intro?

Giuseppe [giubis]
For the electric drums I used Reason.

I plan on remixing the vocals and fixing the toms. I think I might try SSD for the toms and try to re-EQ them. For the vocals I will try to throw C4 on it to compress and limit the higher freqs. I hear the highs too much when I A/B with stuff that I like. I also am fixing the guitars towards the end that were off on the solo. Thanks for the comments guys and I will post a new mix later on today.
Are the toms hard panned? That tom part was weird on my ears with the phones on :hypno:

I'd personally pull them a little closer to give a better image and let those rhythm guitars stand out more- I think I even heard a little part where the guitars might have been too fast and come early before the drums when it picks up? Could be me though

Sounds good though, the toms would be my only tweak- maybe up the leads and verb for more atmosphere or something?
Hey man!

I really dig the guitar sound. What guitar did you use for this recording?

I used EMG pickups on rhythm and Duncans on lead. AS far as the toms go, I hear it too. This song had to be finished by today so I will have to go with what I have. I plan on doing the toms differently for their other songs. Thanks everyone.