Metal Mockery - great website

Originally posted by dill_the_devil
The site rocks... anyone who can't admit that metalheads are possibly the funniest, most ludicrous group of people on the planet are sticking to principles too rigid to be good for their health. And that's coming from a total, dyed-in-the-wool metalhead.

I completely agree with this, and being ludicrous fucking rules! :headbang::lol:
a couple of good laughs here and there,interesting,not all that funny but I do agree that the guys that posted before saying they didn't like it its beacause they feel threaten and are afraid their little world is gonna be shatered.They remind me of Marilyn Manson who used to get beaten up and laugh at everey day in school and now is making up for it by trying to be the total oposite.At the end they are the ones looking and sounding pathetic in my opinion.
Some parts were funny, but others are just plain dumb. I bet the guys who run that site are still virgins. Losers.
Since everyone else who's a Gen.Discussion regular has chimed in, might as well throw my $.02 in as well.

I thoroughly read through the entire site.

One word review: stupid.

Sorry, but that's the case. I'm not maladjusted. I'm not a neophyte. I'm not mindlessly ignorant. Nor am I unintelligent. This site was CLEARLY written by those with a decent grasp of the metal world, and I AGREE that we metalheads are so damned easy to poke fun at.

But everyone seems to be missing the point here: IT WASN'T FUCKING FUNNY. I'd love to read a site that poked fun AND was actually funny. This was just stupid, plain and simple. I think I chuckled a couple times at the logo-deciphering, and even then it was only at the sheer ludicrous of the names. Oh yeah, I did laugh out loud at the description of the prog-metal geeks. Now THAT was funny.
I think the logo deciphering would have been funnier if they HAD ACTUALLY TRIED to decipher the logos instead of coming up with the most asinine thing they could.
Aah, if you can't laugh at yourself once in a while there's no saving you...

<i>Do you really think a TRUE Metalhead would want some pansy-assed toilet paper that's "soft and gentle"? Hell no! We want our toilet paper to be just as harsh as the music we listen to damnit! That's why there's "Thrash Your Ass Brand Toilet Paper"! This stuff won't just remove the shit, it will remove skin and bone as well! METAL!</i>
Originally posted by frigidpony
Aah, if you can't laugh at yourself once in a while there's no saving you...

frigid...if you saw my post, I'm not in disagreement with you. Hell, my girlfriend comes with me to metal shows sometimes because it entertains her to check out all the people "stuck in the late 80s" - her words, not mine!

What I was saying about the site was that it WAS NOT FUNNY. Not because it made fun of metalheads. I could care less, and at times, I welcome it. This just wasn't funny. Like Adam Sandler isn't funny. Get it?
That website is the 'Chris Rock' of websites. Attepting to be funny, but failing miserably. And quite annoying.