Metal Mockery - great website

I can laugh at metal as well, even though it's pretty much my life, but I agree... That site was unbelievably stupid. I browsed the entire site and found nothing funny whatsoever. None of their jokes were really relevant to anything, just random shit they thought up off the top of their heads.

I would have mentioned the Infernal Combustion site, but someone beat me to it. It has some decent arcticles.

The funniest site I've found is the Official Homepage of Thoth. From the main page, look in the bottom-left corner for the "See what Thoth does when they're not killing Christians" link, and scroll through the photos one by one. It's pretty amusing!
Yes I have seen Infernal Combustion, funny site too! Thanks for all the great links, and the commentary, seems like even the folks who didn't like it at least gave it a once-through.

To me the funniest metal sites of all are unintentionally hilarious band sites. I can't come up with any specific examples though, but if anybody can find any post a link here.

I perused a Christian Death Metal site last week that had a big graphic of a pentagram with "Crush Satan's Head" emblazoned on it. I kept thinking of that Kids In The Hall skit.. "I'm crushing your head!"