Metal music at work?

I know that not all of you here in the forum are working, some are at school or college or whatever.
But the ones who are working: I was wondering if you guys have a possibility to listen to music while you´re doing your jobs?

Myself, I work in a very small office together with my boss who is completely addicted to the radio.
I tried to stand that stupid comedy-mainstream-popmusic-news-mix they broadcast every day, but I didn´t succeed.
So I brought a small CD-player and started listening to my own CD´s on headphones. That works perfectly! My boss tolerates it, as long as it´s not too loud so I don´t hear my phone ringing and it really helps me getting work done.

So what about you? I´m curious.;)
TwistedSister said:
I know that not all of you here in the forum are working, some are at school or college or whatever.
But the ones who are working: I was wondering if you guys have a possibility to listen to music while you´re doing your jobs?

Myself, I work in a very small office together with my boss who is completely addicted to the radio.
I tried to stand that stupid comedy-mainstream-popmusic-news-mix they broadcast every day, but I didn´t succeed.
So I brought a small CD-player and started listening to my own CD´s on headphones. That works perfectly! My boss tolerates it, as long as it´s not too loud so I don´t hear my phone ringing and it really helps me getting work done.

So what about you? I´m curious.;)

I'm not supposed to but I listen to hard rock anyways because it gets me in a good mood. I'm the life of my workplace and my attitude is mainly du to 80ies hard rock so people tolerate it.
I used to have to share an office, so we listened to classic rock on the radio, which was tolerable. But now I'm by myself, so I have metal playing pretty much all day here in my office. It's the best part of being at work.
I sit at a computer all day and listen to anything I want via Headphones. I dont have to deal with other employees or anything so I basically blast cryptopsy all day while mindlessly entering data. Some days its okay, but most days my job makes me want to strangle everything. Boredom is a mind killer.
yeah I sit at a desk all day too, listen to mp3s through headphones from my pc

lately I don't listen to much, but I find I get more work done when listening to stuff, cause when I'm not listening to music I get bored quickly and end up browsing teh forumz


but what keeps me from listening to music is the annoying factor of that I often keep getting up from my chair and walking to the printer or fax machine or copy machine or snack machine and it's tedious untangling the headphones from around me and my chair pausing the music I only restarted a few seconds before.
Chromatose said:

but what keeps me from listening to music is the annoying factor of that I often keep getting up from my chair and walking to the printer or fax machine or copy machine or snack machine and it's tedious untangling the headphones from around me and my chair pausing the music I only restarted a few seconds before.

Haha, that´s exactly the way it is with me!! Amazing! :tickled:
Seriously Chromie, I share your pain. Sometimes I'll leave my headphones around my neck, and forget I still have them on when I go to stand up. That usually causes mass chaos, and jerking of chords and computers. And I cant listen to drone at work, I tried to listen to Boris yesterday and I typed the same sentence for like 20 minutes.
I have a very technical work with much walking around, fixing and assembling and testing stuff... My workspace is a small shop of about 40 by 20 ft and I'm always dancing around and singing while working. I'm screwing a fitting into and hydrolic bloc while banging my head slighly to Youth Gone Wild... or I'm doing little dance steps while testing sophisticated equipment...

When I come out of my work area into the rest of the shop, I keep on singing and my co-workers are always asking what the fuck I'm so happy about...

It's all about hard rock!
I work in a research lab and no one seems to mind when I have it on as long as it’s not scaring my participants. I usually keep it turned down low though. My supervisor actually came in one day when I had the radio on and told me that it was rather unlike me to not have metal in and then he made fun of the radio music that was playing lol.
i don't listen to any music at work, because i need to concentrate...
in the morning and inthe car i mostly hear what i want to hear, not some limp wristed fag hag, wants me to hear...
if you want to piss people off put on SYSTEM OF THE DOWN on max-10.