Work Out Thread.

not having breaks was what I was trying to say with fast :) I mixed the different lifts up with very small pauses between instead of drinking water between doing the same muscle's sets :)

ah ok cool sounds like you're doing it well then, yeah I see most people drinking a bunch of water in between sets of the same muscle which doesn't make sense to me (especially when its like a minute of activity and a minute of resting and drinking); staying hydrated is important most definitely but when you're doing something like lifting and then stopping it's usually not as dehydrating as constant activity, especially not enough to where after doing 10 reps of something they need to take a 3 minute break to drink water haha. That's the problem with doing the same muscle, you need to wait at least 60 seconds for the energy in the muscle to replenish so most people end up just getting stuck waiting around and losing their momentum when they could be saving time and keeping their heart rate up but oh well. I usually drink water after I get through 1 round of the circuit set so that I'm not bloated with water or anything like that, drinking too much water doesn't help much at all and most people neglect drinking water throughout the day and AFTER they lift which confuses me because even if you're not sweating profusely you still need water to rebuild muscle and for other bodily processes. I think the daily recommendation is like 3 quarts of water or something? I'd have to look it up haha.
When I was 17, I made the mistake of wanting to bulk up. Lots of protein and lifting. I got incredibly strong, but when I stopped and I lost it, I was left with loose skin and fat.

These days, I'm more about jogging, basketball and such. I don't care about having big muscles anymore, if I can keep the fat off and look good without a shirt, it's enough for me.
When I was 17, I made the mistake of wanting to bulk up. Lots of protein and lifting. I got incredibly strong, but when I stopped and I lost it, I was left with loose skin and fat.

These days, I'm more about jogging, basketball and such. I don't care about having big muscles anymore, if I can keep the fat off and look good without a shirt, it's enough for me.

that sucks dude, stopping is never the answer, you could've just lifted less often. good to see you're back in it though, if you're in it just for the looks you should lift maybe 3 times a week (chest shoulders tris, back and bis, legs, abs everyday) to get your entire body and if you do that combined with a lot of cardio you'll be pretty cut and not have fat, that's really not a lot of work. since you're pretty tall if you don't do any sort of resistance training you're probably going to look pretty scrawny and i'm not a girl but i'm not sure how much they dig scrawny dudes haha. I overdo my exercise but if you do a lot of cardio and just a little bit of resistance training you'll look muscular just because you have so little body fat (don't lose it all though haha, skeletons are nasty).
That's creatine's biggest problem. You can bulk up pretty quick, but if you're not working out properly, it disappears pretty damn quick.
I've never used creatine but I hear it just makes you bloat and pack on water weight so I haven't wanted to use it. Doesn't it just give you a tiny bit more energy so you can get extra reps in since it allows for extra atp or something? I'm pretty ignorant on creatine and a lot of supplements in general which is something I really need to step up (I get proteins and amino acids and everything relating to diet but supplementation for me is just protein, I've never bothered with nitric oxide or creatine).
Start boxing. Or start training like one e.g. myself. There is no plateauing, nor any better way to get toned, conditioned, stronger, balanced/coordinated, etc. Btw, supplementing with creatine (3-5grams) is perfectly fine.
Yes, the moderate weight gain is due to water retention by the skeletal muscle, but the increase in strength and explosive power will be the benefits from using it and what's better than that.
If you want some good cadio and, if you have a body mirror, you can work on footing and balance, hand eye coordination. But when i talk about the training, i mean hitting heavy bag, sparring, all the core workouts and body weight exercises burpees, body weight squats, plyometric pushups, one arm pushups. Finding a gym with heavy bag, a speed bag etc is worth it, it really is.
What do you bros know about dat dere Creatine? Let met explain:




ah ok cool sounds like you're doing it well then, yeah I see most people drinking a bunch of water in between sets of the same muscle which doesn't make sense to me (especially when its like a minute of activity and a minute of resting and drinking); staying hydrated is important most definitely but when you're doing something like lifting and then stopping it's usually not as dehydrating as constant activity, especially not enough to where after doing 10 reps of something they need to take a 3 minute break to drink water haha. That's the problem with doing the same muscle, you need to wait at least 60 seconds for the energy in the muscle to replenish so most people end up just getting stuck waiting around and losing their momentum when they could be saving time and keeping their heart rate up but oh well. I usually drink water after I get through 1 round of the circuit set so that I'm not bloated with water or anything like that, drinking too much water doesn't help much at all and most people neglect drinking water throughout the day and AFTER they lift which confuses me because even if you're not sweating profusely you still need water to rebuild muscle and for other bodily processes. I think the daily recommendation is like 3 quarts of water or something? I'd have to look it up haha.

yeah, I realized the stupidity of doing replenishing breaks between the sets of the same muscle now. my set decreased in time by like 50% by doing one set each on four muscle groups and then doing the breaks between that, and I was way more exhausted than usual cardio-wise. I think the swedish recommendation is like a couple of liters but it's probably necessary to drink more when you're sweating a lot of it out :)
I've been training with Gym Jones for the past two years or so now. My job and life requires me to be quite physically fit so I generally train six days a week or so. Everyone has different goals but if you truly want to push your body and realize its potential, I definitely recommend checking out the site. Salvation through Suffering: