Metal Musicians that can't program drums!! GET IN HERE!! This is AWESOME!!

Aug 9, 2006
Now I know tons of you are already accomplished "drum programmers".

But those of you, like myself, that cant seem to program your own drums need to check this out as I just did. If your always in need of drum tracks in particular Metal - Extreme Metal drum tracks this is a loop disc containing nearly a 1000 loops and fills in .wav format that you can cut and paste together easily!! I have absolutely zero patience when trying to program drums. This might be just what I need.

And its only $33 bucks!

Drums From Hell :: Extreme Metal Loops
Writing drums is easy as fuck, however, making them sound human is the challenge.

If these are humanized, i might pick these up for the fills.

Edit: They're wav... that's crap.

If it was midi, then maybe.
Writing drums is easy as fuck, however, making them sound human is the challenge.

If these are humanized, i might pick these up for the fills.

There's some samples of the loops on the site, they sound pretty decent to me, but I'm not that picky.
[...] If these are humanized [...]

I wouldn't place a bet on that...
To me they (at least the samples on the page) sound very linear. Apart from that the samples are not realy "odd". Kinda simple drumming, I guess most of us could have easily programmed that themselves.

I realy hoped that this thread would contain some helpful information on how to make ones drums sound more natural... :erk:
Tryin to get the thread back on topic a bit... ;)

So let's say one is programming his drums with a velocity of 100 all trough the song. By which values would he have to (randomly??) +/- them (in terms of velocity and placement in the grid) in order to make them sound more natural?
Not too randomly though, as all Toontrack products have quite steep differences between even a short variance of velocity. Say, velocity 100 sounds like normal, and then velocity 90 sounds like the drummer is tapping the drum with a rice stick and with a damper fully on :S
Yeah, well I heard about randomizing velocities before but I don't know in which range I should randomize them. Also I don't know how to "automate" this in Cubase (I guess I won't have to pull each single note up/down in the velocity bar... ;) ).

What about the position on the grid? Do you place your hits a little before/after the beat? How much?

BTW I'm on EZDrummer.
i hate these dreaded things, there ahve been quite a few threads on em. I always felt they restricted someone what you want to do. Nonetheless can be inspiring tho i guess if you dont have a drummer about!
Umm if your serious then must mean you never heard of Drum Kit from Hell.:OMG:

Of course I have (I own DFHS). But that still doesn't explain what "capitilisation off of a name" means in realtion to Groove Monkee...
