Metal name for puppy


catalyst of entropy
Aug 11, 2006
Dragon Valhalla
My wife and I are brainstorming names for our new puppy, a male Australian shepherd, coloured rust and white. Can anyone think of a good metal name? We already have an Ozzy, Jukka, Tarja and Marco (yes, we went through a period of Nightwish fixation) in our extended family.
Thanks! :kickass:
Nightwish phase with no Tuomas? For shame!
Names I can think of: Luca, Tobias, Theli, Talon, & Torek
You can have a double meaning using Khan. Your neighbors will always think it's a Star Trek thing whenever you have to call out his name.

And not metal related but still pretty cool: Casshern (Japanese sci fi movie with a damn good soundtrack)
Just name him 'King'

How many bloody people in metal have the name King attached the them?
Jibrille said:
You can have a double meaning using Khan. Your neighbors will always think it's a Star Trek thing whenever you have to call out his name.

Triple meaning. In WWII there was a dog in the British K9 units named Rifleman Kahn. When the boat he and his master were on sunk, and his master began drowning because he could not swim, the dog pulled him to safety through burning oil slicks and falling shells.
...i think 'khan' is a very cool name for a don't want to give a shy dog a shy a chihuahua, you name 'killer' need to give the puppy confidence with a strong name... ;)

...o, and yippee, that is a very cool story... :)