
Did punk MAKE metal?

  • yes

    Votes: 4 11.1%
  • no

    Votes: 30 83.3%
  • other

    Votes: 2 5.6%

  • Total voters


The Pain and The Darkness
Aug 11, 2002
Willits, CA
Tap into your knowledge here on this one guys. Agree or disagree:
If it weren't for punk, metal would not be.

I've heard about the nazi "slamdancing" way back in the day. Do you think that is the root of metal?

All opinions and facts are welcome.
No, i think that the roots of heavy metal were in the 70's groups that preceded the punk movement. That doesn't mean that certain metal genres (Thrash...) weren't influenced by punk...
I wasn't around for the beginnings of either, but I was going to shows as early as 79 (my first show was Black Flag, GBH, Exploited, DK and a BUNCH of other bands on that Halloween)...

Metal was born when the elements of blues and rock were combined with classical...

Judas Preist is a GREAT example, if you go from their first Rocka Rolla, thru Sad Wings, etc... up to Hell Bent for Leather and Screaming for Vengeance, arguably Judas Priest's first two "Heavy Metal" albums... You can see the the transformation from a Progressive Rock band to acid metal, to heavy metal...

The "Slamdancing" or "ring around the rosie" of the old Punk days weren't anything like a Thrash pit. If anything, the latest "Hardcore dancing" done by HcX/HxC(sp?) or Emo type dancing is more like what a Punk pit was like back in the day.

Anyways, a good band to ask what it was like in the day would be DRI, who until Crossover was primarily a punk band, but liked what they saw and heard from the thrash crowds and music that it inevitably worked it's way into their style, as punk was dying and Thrash was coming up and strong....

So, I voted NO.
The Misfits? I'd say they are a great example of a... err... "punk" band... but had alot of heavy elements, especially back in the day. I'm positive they have influenced many a metal band over the years. And Black Sabbath as well. They are another good example of the blurred line. You can see many punk influences in thier songs (at least I ca, anyway).
And back to nazi slamdancing. That's the earliest example I can think of with crowd violence (to and extent of course... back in that day couples didn't have sex until they were married either).
That could be a strong argument as well.
Let's hear some band names to back your opinions. What punk bands were the first to be influenced by metal bands (if that's your opinion)? Should be interesting to hear.
I'd have to say Exploited was one of the first WELL KNOWN punk bands to start incorporating some metal into their tunes...

They were more technically proficient than most in their genre, and you can hear more than just strict punk influence.

I never was a serious punker, so my comments are coming from a Metalhead who liked punk perspective...
There's a good chance Metal wouldn't be where it is today without punk. Punk inspired the speed and aggression of the Thrash and Speed Metal, and almost every metal genre is based on those two now a days.
I don't believe a band will ever be metal and punk a the same time, it isn't possible in my mind

I may get a lot of shit for this, but I say the first metal band is Deep Purple ( Deeper Shade of Purple 1968, before Sabbath self-titled, before Zeppelin I and before any Hawkwind )

I'd say metal generated from blues, which then turned into country blues, which then turned into country or blues, but rockabilly came, ( with Johnny Cash and Elvis Presley ) and it was a very big turning point in the world of music
Originally posted by nafnikufesin
Punk didn't make metal. Metal didn't make punk. However, through the years there is no doubt that they have influenced each other, sometimes in good ways, sometimes in bad.

@nafnikufesin - I agree.

No one has the answers. But it a good debate I guess.
Metal has evolved from bands like Sabbath and Zeppelin. Punk did not make metal, however, it has certainly influenced alot of the stuff we hear today. Metal has evolved into a dark, technical style of music in most cases. Punk itself has evolved extremely poorly, if you call bands like Blink 182, Sum 41 and New Found Glory punk. However, the punk underground is probably still going strong (I wouldn't know).

Although punk and metal have obvious differences, there are similar elements.
Maybe if it had all started a little differently, punk would always have been classed as a metal sub-genre.
Thrash metal won't be here if it wasn't for hardcore punk cause it was a big influence. Sometimes Thrash metal was called punk metal. Alot of metallers hate punk but they don't know this fact.

Punk and metal have some similarities. They're both fueled by youth rebellion but metal is based more on emotion and punk is more political.