Grindcore = Punk?

Yeah, I definitely don't see how Excruciating Terror is powerviolence. Just sounds like straight grindcore to me.

You fags need to listen to more Violent Future, S.H.I.T. and Urban Blight.
Krow is one of the many posters on this forum who I know has bad taste without remembering the specific post(s) that led me to think so.
I'm going to assume you're not being serious.

I'm completely serious.
And I'm merely backing up AssholeGrindElitist here. I'm coming from the other side of the fence than him but we both clearly see the "Metal -> Thrash -> Death" strain distinct from the parallel "Hardcore -> Crust -> Grind" strain.
I'm not saying one is better than the other or deny cross pollenation but in their pure form they are very distinct styles of music that should not be mixed up.
And, Blastbeats are a very distinct stylistic element of Grind so by definition they have no place whatsoever in Metal.
I'm completely serious...

And, Blastbeats are a very distinct stylistic element of Grind so by definition they have no place whatsoever in Metal.

Using this logic I could say using distorted guitars are part of rock-an-roll or punk rock and therefore have no place whatsoever in heavy metal, death metal, grindcore, etc. etc. etc.

Blastbeats are a staple of death metal. Musical techniques can go wherever they want in any type of music. No genre has a monopoly or patent on anything.

Grind has distinguishing stylistic elements - that much is true - but blastbeats aren't part of their members-only club. That is crazy.
I'm not saying one is better than the other or deny cross pollenation but in their pure form they are very distinct styles of music that should not be mixed up.
And, Blastbeats are a very distinct stylistic element of Grind so by definition they have no place whatsoever in Metal.

Blastbeats have been incorporated into Death metal since the early nineties or possibly earlier. It's probably time to get that chip off your shoulder.
That is crazy.

No, it's cross pollenation. Pure Death Metal doesn't use blasts. Of course it's very common by now because people (and bands) keep mixing up styles and stylistic elements but that doesn't change historical facts.

Keep listening to your blasty Death Metal Grindcore crossover and enjoy them, it's not like I'm calling for the immediate execution of all stylistically challenged bands :D
The only reason this thread is cool is because it's ten years old.

It really depends on the band, but I was under the impression grind was the spawn of punk.
I'm completely serious.
And I'm merely backing up AssholeGrindElitist here. I'm coming from the other side of the fence than him but we both clearly see the "Metal -> Thrash -> Death" strain distinct from the parallel "Hardcore -> Crust -> Grind" strain.
I'm not saying one is better than the other or deny cross pollenation but in their pure form they are very distinct styles of music that should not be mixed up.
And, Blastbeats are a very distinct stylistic element of Grind so by definition they have no place whatsoever in Metal.

Well I disagree and I think the riff-work and how it affects the song structure is what differentiates between grind and extreme metal. A metal band isn't automatically a cross pollination with grind just because they use blast beats. Unless you for some reason think drums are more genre defining than guitar work, I don't see how that works.