
Did punk MAKE metal?

  • yes

    Votes: 4 11.1%
  • no

    Votes: 30 83.3%
  • other

    Votes: 2 5.6%

  • Total voters
ok punk has no talent, no musical value what so ever.
Metal is at the same level as classical music is.
I dont see how any one can make the two conect?
Its like saying Deicide influanced the back street boys
Originally posted by nafnikufesin
Punk didn't make metal. Metal didn't make punk. However, through the years there is no doubt that they have influenced each other, sometimes in good ways, sometimes in bad.

You basicly took the words right out of my mouth.I am a huge fan of both genre's but i definitly think Metal started with bands like Black Sabbath,Led Zepplin,Deep Purple,Slade,Iron Butterfly,Cream,Jimi Hendrix,Pink Floyd.Most of these bands were established and operating in the 60's.I think if anything Punk was completly a negative reaction to the hippy,free love establishment that most of the bands mentioned helped to create.Punk,in my opinion got it's roots from 50's rock'n roll and merged it with the bad drugs,bad attitudes and produced some fucking good bands in the process.It wasn't until both genre's were matured that they combined.I could be completely wrong but that's the way i think it went.
Originally posted by MURAI
Thrash metal won't be here if it wasn't for hardcore punk cause it was a big influence. Sometimes Thrash metal was called punk metal. Alot of metallers hate punk but they don't know this fact.

True, I don't care much for punk myself but thrash metal is still my fave genre.

Punk and metal have some similarities. They're both fueled by youth rebellion but metal is based more on emotion and punk is more political.

Yes, both are about rebellion, but metal started out as a rebellion against the christian values of the modern society while punk was more against society in general.
Stille... i am not saying Metallica is as good as bach. but there is defintly a influance of Bach in metallica, look at the song Orion, this sounds alot like a song that could be played on a organ. Making the conection between metal and classical is easy to do. Because metal is classical based. Sort of Neo Classical music with modern instruments.
I realize that metal is more clasically based then punk. But, i guess i cant discount the talent of punks bands that quickly.

There is a punk band that are highly influenced by Maiden. They start their cd off with a song that could fight on a metal album
And.. I won't say punk made metal. Metal came out before punk and they're seperate. But they did influence each other.
Originally posted by MacMoney
Punk influences in Black Sabbath song? Perhaps minor ones but nothing big.

shouldn't your question be the other way around? black sabbath influences in punk songs? on black flags' album "my war" the sabbath influence is so apparent.