Metal Sanaz?

^ There's actually a lot of good unsigned metal bands on there that get promotion, which is the only reason why I think it should stay. It's been quite helpful for a lot of bands, even ones that don't suck badly. (unlike emo music)

Kenneth R. said:
heh. you get a slight bump in credit for having an ulver avatar. :D
Well, I'm glad we can agree on Ulver, at least. :danceboy:
Jaen said:
hehe, that reminds me of something i heard the other day...
"i wish my grass was emo so it would cut itself"
Yeah, I've heard that joke too many times now. It was hilarious at first, but when the emo kids in my school ironically started saying it (denial AHAHAHA!), it just kinda sucked all of a sudden.

I really wish they would accept the fact that they are the scum of the earth. :(
never said she was special, just simply said I love what she does... Interviewing metal bands, and she might as well look good while doing it. Myspace is good for alot of reasons, but also horrible for other reasons. and i believe the general question was if any of you knew of her, because i've been listening to metal alot and her name only just now poped out of no where!