Metal Sludge emails of the week

The Man

Franks and beans!
Feb 4, 2002
Gautier, MS
Found this browsing Sludge's e-mails of the week. Thought it was pretty cool.

Here's just a nice email saying how wonderful everybody is at the Anthrax show on March 9th!
Hello Sludge,

I don't swing from the nutsack of that many people, but I have to give some credit where it's due. On March 9th Anthrax played the Bierkeller in Bristol, and I was working security in the pit. The gig was great, the place was packed to the rafters, and the band were on top form.

Unlike other venues in the area, the Bierkeller is completely cool about crowd-surfing, just so long as nobody is being reckless, and thus we were really busy all night, because Anthrax were just tearing the place up in a brutal fashion. The guys working the pit though were having a blast because the fans were so good and so respectful of each other and the band (which makes our lives way easier) and each one of us is a 'Thrax fan - all the pit guys were rocking out and singing along to "I am the law" and "Bring the noise."

This obvoiusly didn't escape the band's notice, as John Bush gave us a shout-out from the stage. I can't tell you how much this means to us. We already knew they were pretty classy - earlier in the day Dave, who does talent relations and security for us, was loading in all their gear and running and dealing with all the shit that happens on the day of a show. They were so appreciative of his efforts, they gave him some of their tour rider. That NEVER happens. So anyway, I felt that I had to write and express my gratitude to Anthrax for being so very cool, and also to the Bristol fans - it's a pleasure to work for such a great bunch of people.

Best Regards,
Nathan C

That's pretty cool. Glad to see some good messages about Anthrax. I saw it first hand at a concert at the Gorge Ampitheater where Anthrax "incited" a mosh pit according to the venue manager. John Bush was singing along and saw something a security guard was doing and stopped singing, started yelling, "hey hey hey, don't do that!" He jumped off the stage and was obviously ticked. He got the fan back into the crowd. During this, the rest of the band kept going and Frank stepped up and sang the rest of the song while John was off stage. The crowd really reacted well to that. In the days of bands stepping on fans, spitting on them, good to see there's a band that's there being good to fans.