Metal Song Of The Year?


Feb 27, 2002
Macon, GA
Still got several months left in the year but go ahead and post what you've enjoyed most so far; list as many "runners up" as you want but start with that one that just does it for ya; as for me, I don't think I've heard anything better than this from the new Accept album, of course YMMV:

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Skyliner's "Aria Of The Waters". Its very primal and raw and powerful.

Unfortunately, there are no Youtube uploads.. however, there is one for their song "Forever Young", which they have graciously allowed us to use on a compilation album of (mostly unsigned) US Power Metal bands that we'll be distributing at DeLand next month.

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Yeah that is quite good - long! I always get shit when I say my favorite Rush song is "Cygnus X-1 Book II: Hemispheres" because it is 18 minutes long *haha* When I first gave these guys a cursory listen I slotted them in the Tool/latter-day Fates Warning camp but really this defies categorization, makes me wish I had seen their set at ProgPower but I had too much fun the night before and required a bit more sleep, my loss...
This is really tough, because there's been a lot of solid releases this year.
I could totally go chalk and pick a song from the new Falconer album (all-time favorite band), but I think it has to be this:

Power metal from Thailand. Absolute perfection.

EDIT: First post. Hi!
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I don't recall liking their earlier stuff but I picked this one up cause it was $9 on Amazon. Wow, what a disc. I gotta spend more time with it but my first impression was very positive.

I've been a long time fan since they released their Apparition EP back in 2009, but yeah the new one is their best release. Best thing they have ever done is get Michael Lessard on vocals, easily one of my favourite vocalists. You should check out his other band Last Chance to Reason if you haven't already.
Since Glenn already selected my pick here's my runner up, and we stay in Greece. I couldn't find a link to the Teramaze song Parallel/Dual Reality but it's right up there too.

Psycrence - Forced Evolution

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