Metal songs and their atmospheres


The Dark Wanderer
Metal songs and the atmospheres (mental images) they convey to you:

Dark Tranquillity "Ex Nihilo" - Twilight time, floating in a small boat down a quiet river, then when the guitar kicks in, the river lights on fire and flames lick at my face, not burning but soothing...

In Flames "Artifacts of The Black Rain" - Dead of night, crimson skies, me running through the ruins of an old abandoned structure, running away from civilization, but finding no exit, forever chasing nothingness...

Hammerfall "Unforgiving Blade" - me and an unknown warrior fighting to the death in a grandiose castle

Cradle of Filth "Dinner At Deviant's Palace (played normal or backwards)" - Eerie mansion deep in a forgotten forest, covered by night's black cloak, me walking through it slowly, at times looking over my back, lightning flashes a bright blue, doors creak, and the ominous feel of something hidden lingers...

I believe some songs have the ability to convey messages because of their atmospheric feel. If you have any of your own you want to share, feel free to post them here. I'll post more, too as I think of them.

Just sit back and let your imagination go fuckin wild
Ravnanger said:
Burzum - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss really gives me visions when I hear it. Sometimes it's not the same visions, but I really feel like talking a walk in the forest, and often I do that. Wandering about in the woods day as night automatically makes any old black metal album much much better!!

Tuisto Herz does that for me
Anathema are kings when it comes to emo metal. Not many others who can make a killer song like My kingdom, basically variations on one riff throughout the entire 9 and a half minutes it lasts... Respect!
check out the opeth board- for Music that creates images- very good thread.

I second most of the bands here. Agalloch does a pretty good job at atmosphere - Tiamat's Deeper Kind of SLumber. Slayers reign in blood- sounds as if one is entering the gates of hell- especially if one got it 15 years ago. Amebix does a great job with atmosphere. Ulvers Bergatt and Kveldssanger- Arcturus Aspera Hymns. Nokturnal Mortum creates a very interesting atmospehre on their first two albums.
Godgory - Final Journy (exactly that)

Ancient Wisdom - And The Physical Shape Of Light Bled (cold and ominous song; also somehow distant )
Opeth-wandering around in a dark forest
Guns N' Roses-November Rain-for some reason always reminds me of Italy
Rhapsody-King Arthur's castle, knights, elves