Metal sucks ass.

Hmmm Trapped, you never said a single thing about Days Of The New untill I brought them up at the Nevermore board and now you won't shut up about them. You are just going through a goofy phase. I was obsessed with RED for awhile but now I never listen to it.
Nah man... go back a few months, they used to get a big mention every now and then. I am a devowed Tea Party and DOTN fan, always have been.

it is only two songs on III that has sparked my reinterest, "Dancing With The Wind" and "Giving In". They are awesome... I bought DOTN I before they even released Downtown as a single... a looooong time ago.
How could I forget Jeffrey Gaines?! Awesome stuff. I saw him open up (for Melissa Etheridge) aeons ago, just him and an acoustic, and he blew me away. The albums mostly use a full band, but they still rock.

For starters:
Hero In Me
Love Disappears
A Dark Love Song
Sorry the Very Next Day
Headmasters of Mine
Originally posted by Trapped
...What is some other stuff like Days of the new, The Tea Party, The doors etc., you know, non-metal 'celtic' kindof stuff.

Lots of acoustic guitar...
Now, for more "celtic stuff like the Doors", whatever that might be, check out the YARDBIRDS with their album "Little Games." It's got Jimmy Page in it too, and contains some of the finest acoustic/hippie/psychedelic music. I tell you, this band is finer than ten motherfuckers.
hey trapped

first of all
Nick Drake,get everything of him!,just a genius.

Anywhen-The Opiates(great atmosphere)
Red House Painters-Ocean Beach(that's the only one i've got,they have more good albums)
Naervaer-Skifninger(crazy band from Norway combining many different styles like folk and jazz)
Wongraven-Fjelltronen(nothing special but good to relax to)
Leonard Cohen(nothing new to you right?)
Damien Jurado-Ghost of David

that would be my recommends,maybe they'll help you;)