Metal Trivia Game


Mike Patton and some other famous metallers recently recorded an album of classic film scores. Name the band and album title.

Extra credit: Mike Patton's record label.
Jeez . . . I tried to keep the question easy enough so the game would not go too stale, but I guess I'll have to make the question a little harder next time.

You even get the extra credit. Do you know what Ipecac is? I think it is a substance they make kids swallow to induce vomiting after they have swallowed poisonous stuff.

Your turn.
I think I read it somewhere... Is it Cenotaph?

Originally posted by npearce
Do you know what Ipecac is? I think it is a substance they make kids swallow to induce vomiting after they have swallowed poisonous stuff.
It is. For kids and bulimics. :p
You just assumed that was the correct answer. :p

Anyway, grim Treblinka turned into the now crummy Tiamat.

Question: Again. What southamerican band released a split with Beherit? From which country are they?