Metal Trivia Night October 28th

Sounds good! Remind me a bit closer to the time. John Curtin Hotel....that's the one just off Victoria Parade, isn't it?
I'm still keen. Dunno if I'll be a lot of use, as most stuff I know someone else knows anyway, but I can give it a shot!
Winmar said:
I'm still keen. Dunno if I'll be a lot of use, as most stuff I know someone else knows anyway, but I can give it a shot!

It's the thought that counts. As in, the thought of a bunch of us going to a pub, drinking some booze, and talking / listening to metal!


Not long to go now chaps.

We've got "Team Ozprog" happening, but the recruiting has been so successful that we might end up having enough for two teams, which would be outstanding.