Metal with strong operatic male vocals.


[insert title here]
Aug 20, 2007
Weird request eh? As the topic implies, I am looking for a metal band that makes FREQUENT use of a very strong male operatic voice (no bitchy whining please), and I dont care of the subgenre. Just in case it helps, the only thing that sparked any interest in this was a song I heard by Fantomas, I believe it was called the godfather. At about the 2:20 mark of the song, Mike Patton breaks out into some very strong, deep, operatic vocals that shot chill down my spine. So, any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.
Can't think of any such male vocals, but Aesma Daeva the equivelant with female opera vocals. Don't bother with their old stuff. But their new album is amazing imo.
That was the first thing that popped into my mind too.

Yeah, especially if you want operatic baritone vocals, which aren't as common as the tenor ranged vocals that most people associate with the word "operatic". Though Vortex does lend some tenor action. :kickass:
How strong?
Iron Maiden?
Try Avantasia, I guess. Also, Luca Turilli of Rhapsody was once told that he should become an opera singer. By Christopher Lee. Anyhow, both Rhapsoday (now Rhapsody of Fire, but the older stuff is better) and Avantasia use pretty awesome operatic vocals. Dunno how strong you want 'em, though...
Yeah, Fabio Leone :D but Helloween has some truly excellent vocals...not sure about operatic though. Tarja from Nightwish would be the female counterpart.
Don't go further than the power metal band Falconer. Though the music is more of a power metal style, the first thing you notice about the band are the vocals. The vocalist Mathias Blad is a trained classical singer and he absolutely rules !

Listen to their albums Falconer, Chapter from a Forlorn Vale and Northwind.
Don't go further than the power metal band Falconer. Though the music is more of a power metal style, the first thing you notice about the band are the vocals.

unless you were a massive Mithotyn fan, and then the first thing you'll notice is the riffs.:headbang:

The vocalist Mathias Blad is a trained classical singer and he absolutely rules
that the new guy or the original?

Listen to their albums Falconer, Chapter from a Forlorn Vale and Northwind.

or these :kickass:
Falconer - Long Gone By
Falconer - Perjury and Sanctity
Falconer - The Clarion Call