@JayB, you were right, vocals were too loud. I don't use anything special for the snare reverb: some snare plate and some overall room reverb for the whole drum bus (except kick). I'll listen to you mix later
@UnownLegendary: yes I tried the pitched down vocal trick, but it's very low in the mix so I'm not sure if you really heard it

For the vocals I will record another track for the center in the next session, to beef them up even more.
In the chorus of the song there will be gangshouts in the backround (parkway drive - home is for the heartless, if you know what I mean).
Anyway, here's my newest version. More definition in the lowend, better vocal EQ and some other stuff I forgot
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/16585626/ATM - 02 - A MX8.mp3
Let me know what you think