Metalcore that Melts your Mind


Infinite Idiocy
Dec 10, 2012
Path Of The Misanthrope
The topic name basically explains it, what are some of the metalcore bands out there that rock your socks off? Here are some of mine:

Killswitch Engage

As I Lay Dying



The Agonist

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Only metalcore I like is Between the Buried and Me. Feel free to use that against me when I don't like something you post. :)
Seriously Sgt. G, was necessary? You frightened my poor daughter. Now I have to explain to her that there are people fatter than me in the world.
I like a lot of metalcore, actually. Besides, take out the dual guitar harmonies, clean/shouted vocals, add pig squeals, and there you have it: slam death. Everybody here loves slam.
If the album, "Waking the Fallen" by A7X is considered metalcore, then it melted my face off. I bought it when I was 16 and I still listen to it. I'm with OP on Killswitch. "End of the Heartache" was an incredible album.

I never really cared for As I Lay Dying, All that Remains, or much other metalcore I've listened to.

I really like the "essence", if you will, of metalcore. Melodic and harmonized pedal riffs, rhythmic double bass synchopation, cheesy lyrics about DEEP EMOTIONS!!! and shreddy harmonic minor guitar solos.

Sometimes I like my music predictable and simple.
Thankfully that entire post has been deleted now. I know Avenged Sevenfold initially were metalcore, but then sold out and became pop rock. For example, old Avenged Sevenfold:
New (shitty) Avenged Sevenfold:
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I think of Killswitch Engage and As I Lay Dying as good "traditional" metalcore bands, although I also like it when bands mix things up and add in non-traditional elements too. A good example of this is Crossfaith, a Japanese metalcore band that adds in lots of electronic effects that really give these music a unique kinda feel, I saw them live last years year and it was an awesome gig, great energy. You can see me right near the front in the first 30 seconds of this video, I'm the guy with blond hair.
And here's what the album version of that song sounds like:

A few more songs:

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